Delaware Liberal

Deserving Losers-Paging Dr. Schadenfreude

While ‘schadenfreude’ basically means taking delight in the misery of others, El Somnambulo, who is nothing if not sympathetic, feels horrible and powerless for what has happened to so many good people.

However, he admits taking great delight in the deserved misery visited upon the piggiest of the piggy, those who didn’t even have time to visit the vomitorium before suffering sudden wealth loss. In the first of what may be an ongoing series, let’s enjoy these falls from grace, shall we?:

* Dubai expatriates abandoning their luxury cars at the airport b/c they can’t make payments and b/c they need to avoid severe Islamic punishment for being deadbeats.

* Russian billionaires who made zillions by exploiting natural resources (why doesn’t this happen to Exxon/Mobil execs?), but are now forced to live on mere millions.

* Oh, and it looks like one of Trump’s casinos is headed for bankruptcy, but ‘Bulo considers that a Dog Bites Man story. Happens every couple a’ years

El Somnambulo welcomes any and all additions to the Deserving Losers list. Trust him. It’s OK to feel joy at their expense.

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