Delaware Liberal

John Carney for Congress

John Carney is running for Congress. Yes, you heard it hear first. Whoops, I forgot the BREAKINGS NEWS!!!! and the flashing sirens, but yes, John Carney is running for Congress. It does not matter if Castle runs for reelection or not.

However, Tom Carper still has some sway over Mr. Carney, for some unknown reason. It is like Carper has pictures of Carney and Dave Burris in bed together or something (ugh the horror!). He could convince Carney to defer.

But why? Well to protect his beloved, his prescious, his Michael N. Castle.

It occurs to me how ironic this is. In 2008, Don Tomasino did nothing but bemoan the existence of a primary between Carney and Markell. Indeed, he called for a meeting of the five families, and ordered that it would be Carney running for Governor, Markell for Lt. Governor, Denn for reelection as Insurance Commissioner, and Ted Blunt would continue running the City Council or retire. Mr. Blunt refused the Don. He demanded to run for Lt. Governor (even though his fundraising was horrible, which eventually led to his exit from the race in the spring). Once Blunt refused, the whole lot of them refused the Don’s plan. And we then had to suffer through six months of hearing about how horrible primaries are.

Well now, going into 2010, Carper has his wish. He should be happy. Beau Biden is running for the Senate and Carney is running for the House. He has successfully avoided a primary among the heavy hitters that cycle.

Yet I guarantee you, he is not, because his precious, Michael N. Castle, is left out in the cold. According to the Delaware Way, Castle should be movin on up, but he won’t. Tom Carper being such an adherent to the Delaware Way is another irony. Yes, he and Castle formed their loving bond in 1992 when they switched jobs. But in 2000, Carper defied the Gods and challenged Roth. He went against the Delaware Way! GASP. ::someone faints::

So if Carper keeps his mouth shut, Carney is running for Congress. And our daily series of Mike Castle betraying Delaware posts will come to an end. But if Carper interferes, Carney may defer, and Castle may get a free ride to a reelection he does not deserve, and that is when we begin our new series on Tom Carper betraying Delaware.

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