Delaware Liberal

A. Phillip Randolph Institute Legislative Conference

From a Press Release in my email, notice of this interesting Conference this weekend — let us know if you plan on going:

A. Philip Randolph Institute of Delaware to Host Legislative Conference Featuring Public Officials, Non-Profit Organizations, the Faith Community and Community Based Organizations


Mark Brunswick, APRI Director of Education

The A. Philip Randolph Institute of Delaware has recruited a roster of public officials, non-profit organizations, the Faith Community and community based organizations to discuss legislative issues of importance to all Delawareans in a conference to be held on Saturday, February 21st at Ezion-Mt. Carmel Church, 800 N. Walnut St. in Wilmington. The all day event will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

“This is a first of its kind event hosted by an organization in the African-American community,” said Mark Brunswick, the A. Philip Randolph Institute Director of Education. “We have conducted active and effective lobbying in Dover for the past five years and have learned that our mission of social justice and change is at its best when we are able to bring together legislators, advocates, policy makers and the community to discuss issues and plan solutions to improve opportunity and quality of life for us all,” he continued.

The following panelists have committed to participate in the conference which will address the Delaware Economy, Justice System Reinvestment, Health Care and Wilmington Public Safety:

Delaware Economy

Justice System Reinvestment

Lunch speaker: To be Announced

Health Care

Wilmington Public Safety

The event is structured to allow all participants to attend each of the 75 minute panels during the day. All panels will follow up with a half day workshop in the near future to focus on legislative strategies for each of the issue areas, build coalitions and identify emerging community leadership.

The schedule for the day will be:

8:00-8:45 Registration
8:45-9:05 Welcome/Overview/Charge

9:15-10:30 Panel A: Delaware Economy

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Panel A: Delaware Economy (repeat)
Panel B: Justice System Reinvestment (repeat)

12:00-1:15 Lunch speaker to be announced

1:15-2:30 Panel C: Health Care
Panel D: Wilmington Public Safety

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-4:00 Panel C: Health Care (repeat)
Panel D: Wilmington Public Safety (repeat)

The A. Philip Randolph Institute is an affiliate organization of the AFL-CIO with its roots in the African-American labor community and a mission of economic equality and civil rights.
This event is free and open to the public. Please call 302-691-5816 or email with any questions.

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