Delaware Liberal

DOJ Targeting Bush/Rethug Scofflaws?

The days of stonewalling prosecutors and getting away with it may well be coming to an end. And, there’s been plenty of stonewalling going on. According to the indispensable  Talking Points Memo,

“At least nine Bush administration officials refused to cooperate with various Justice Department investigations during the final days of the Bush presidency, according to public records and interviews with federal law enforcement officials and many of the officials and their attorneys. In addition, two U.S. senators, a congresswoman, and the chief of staff to one of them, also refused to cooperate with the same investigations.”

Among the alleged miscreants are Karl Rove, would-be Supreme Court Justice Harriet Miers, and key White House &  Bush-era DOJ officials.

Former U. S. Sen. Pete “Mr. Pajamas” Domenici,  current Sen. Kit Bond, and former U. S. Rep. Heather Wilson are also among those who have been non-cooperative.

The story is brilliantly reported by Murray Waas in the article linked above.  El Somnambulo says, if Talking Points Memo is not among your bookmarks, it should be. Read the whole story there, and then come back to revel in the, dare ‘Bulo say it, schadenfreude.


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