Filed in National by on February 18, 2009

Based on the leaps and bounds Burris et al are making regarding the cost of things it seems to me the biggest fear is that everything will last forever and ever and ever. Government will grow, not shrink, more taxes, more poor people getting help, more lazy people that don’t deserve good public education will benefit and in general people that don’t want to pull themselves up by their boot straps will be nannified for the rest of their lives.

So, my question is this:

What has FSP and more generally the GOP done over the past 20 hell, 30 years, to prove that doing what they “believe” works really does work have done works?

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hiding in the open

Comments (37)

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  1. anon says:

    They know it doesn’t work so they are now arguing that the Republicans they and their parents fought for all their lives – weren’t really conservative.

  2. nemski says:

    anon is spot on.

    The new Republican argument is that the last 8 years was not a conservative Republican government.

    Hmm, didn’t see anyone running against GWB in Republican primary in 2004.

  3. jason330 says:

    …Or…they know it doesn’t work but if they allow that reality to intrude on the fantasy world they’ve built – they would find out that they are nude and their infantile gentalia is exposed for all to see.

  4. nemski says:

    their infantile gentalia is exposed for all to see.

    Seriously, what’s the fucking point with that comment?

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    They’ll prop up the record of Reagan, and deny that he actually raised taxes. Of course, Clinton had more job growth than Reagan but that is to be ignored or either 1) credited to Reagan or 2) credited to the Republican Congress.

  6. anon says:

    I think the reference to infantile genitalia was a rhetorical device used to question the emotional maturity of Republicans (very effectively, too). Do you have a counter-argument?

  7. nemski says:


    The counter-argument would be that the comment only displays the emotional maturity of the commenter (Jason).

  8. Von Cracker says:

    The only thing the GOP has proven is their uncontrollable lust for successful electioneering, not governing.

    This is a generalization, of course.

  9. anon says:

    Does anybody remember how Republicans said GHWB lost to Clinton because… wait for it….


    Conservatism has never worked and they know it.

    But “stabbed in the back” rhetoric works well – and they know that too.

  10. anon says:

    They’ll prop up the record of Reagan, and deny that he actually raised taxes.

    Reagan wasn’t really conservative.

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    GHWB lost to Clinton because GHWB was out-of-touch with the economy (just like McCain). “It’s the economy, stupid,” was really the truth.

  12. FSP says:

    Is there an echo in here?

  13. nemski says:

    Yes, on the morning when McCain said, “The economy is fundamentally sound”, I knew Obama had won.

  14. nemski says:

    Jesus FSP, is this all you got?

  15. pandora says:

    Okay, I put on my fairness hat and actually tried to answer this question.

    Umm… I’m still thinking. Seriously, FSP, can you help me out?

  16. FSP says:

    Pandora — For you, I would. Over email. But there’s no point trying when it would just devolve into me being called a racist, an idiot, a douchebag or a piece of human garbage. That is, after my words got twisted into a knot that took days to untangle. So, no dice.

  17. jason330 says:

    IS that all you’ve got? I guess you’ll be living off the “human garbage” thing for a while eh Dave?

  18. nemski says:

    And yet you still come back. I don’t understand.

    If you’re not commenting, then it’s just spam, right?

  19. FSP says:

    I chose to come back at the request of certain people, and because you drive off everyone else who disagrees with you with the most vile hatred you can muster.

    Plus, I keep getting drawn in by the idea that there might be people reading this site that don’t know what an echo chamber talking points machine it is.

    And I don’t give a crap what you jokers think of me or what you call me, except for the fact that it distracts from whatever issue is being discussed.

  20. John Feroce says:

    “What has FSP and more generally the GOP done over the past 20 hell, 30 years, to prove that doing what they have done works?”

    How can this even be addressed when the question doesn’t make sense? The country has been governed by both Democrats and Republicans during that time on all levels.

    The American people vote based on their reaction to the strength of our country’s pillars i. economy, national security

    Therefore it stands to reason that the party in power will get voted out when their is a view that one or more of the pillars is in bad shape. It’s happened to both Democrats and Republicans over that period of time.

  21. nemski says:

    But FSP you made this thread about you and not the topic (though the topic was about you.) πŸ˜‰

    Anyways, I recall you’ve written that GWB was not a true conservative. Correct?

    If so, why did no conservative run against him in 2004?

  22. nemski says:

    JF, Democrats get voted out when the economy is bad?

    I guess your referring to Carter there. πŸ˜‰

  23. I was just asking what worked and lumped you in with the party of Gingrich, GWB, Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News et al

    sorry to confuse you with the republican party, it won’t happen again.

  24. jason330 says:

    BTW anon (12:21),

    Thank you. I use metaphor and I use simile. I’m crazy like that.

  25. anon says:

    They might also have really small genitalia too. We don’t know.

  26. FYI

    for the record. I do NOT think Burris is a racist. He has never shown me one thing that proves he is.

    However, I do think that the GOP is full of them and they do nothing to distance themselves from the obvious racism

  27. nemski says:

    I use metaphor and I use simile. I’m crazy like that.

    See, I just assumed you were being a dick.

  28. anon says:

    they do nothing to distance themselves from the obvious racism

    Even that wouldn’t be so much a problem, except so many times the racists have given Repubs the margin of victory and then they claim a mandate.

  29. nemski says:

    However, I do think that the GOP is full of them and they do nothing to distance themselves from the obvious racism.

    DV speaks the truth here.

  30. John Feroce says:

    “I guess your referring to Carter there.”

    Yes and no. Yes because it’s an obvious example, but I would argue that the dot bomb period which took place from mid-march 200 through 2001 could have affected the results of a ridiculously close presidential race in 2000.

  31. anon says:

    A butterfly flapping its wings in China could have affected the 2000 election.

  32. jason330 says:

    Nemski –

    You are so eager to see the worst in me. AND I LOVE IT!

  33. nemski says:

    LOL anon LOL.

    Even a small piece of paper could have as well. πŸ˜‰

    But, in general, JF, for better or worse, the Democrats have been the Presidential power during good economic times. The Republicans have not.

  34. cassandra m says:

    Don’t make me send you to your room, Jason.

  35. Unstable Isotope says:

    DV’s on fire here.

  36. Mark H says:

    “mid-march 200 through 2001 ”
    Wow…That’s a long dot bomb period πŸ™‚

  37. Andy says:

    Annual returns for the S&P 500 since 1953 Rep Presidents in Power 10.7 % Dem Presidents in Power 12.8%
    Who does a better job