Delaware Liberal

Roland Burris Needs to Resign – Now

Roland Burris started out as a joke and evolved into a bad joke.  His arrogance and stupidity are beyond the pale.  The cutesy word play he’s currently wallowing in doesn’t pass the smell test. The entire incident surrounding Blagojevich centered on the fact that he allegedly tried to sell Obama’s Senate seat. So Burris’ defense that he simply wasn’t asked the right questions stinks to high heaven.  He knew exactly what was being asked of him and why, and is now trying to cover up his hubris with stories that keep changing. What are we up to now? Burris 4.1?

I’d ask him to step down for the good of the country – and Illinois, but it’s becoming crystal clear that Burris is only interested in the good of himself.  I hope he gets run out of DC on a rail.

Appears I’m not the only one calling for Burris to step down.

The benefit of the doubt had already been stretched thin and taut by the time Roland Burris offered his third version of the events leading to his appointment to the U.S. Senate. It finally snapped like a rubber band, popping him on that long Pinocchio nose of his, when he came out with version four. […] Enough. Roland Burris must resign.

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