Roland Burris Needs to Resign – Now

Filed in National by on February 18, 2009

Roland Burris started out as a joke and evolved into a bad joke.  His arrogance and stupidity are beyond the pale.  The cutesy word play he’s currently wallowing in doesn’t pass the smell test. The entire incident surrounding Blagojevich centered on the fact that he allegedly tried to sell Obama’s Senate seat. So Burris’ defense that he simply wasn’t asked the right questions stinks to high heaven.  He knew exactly what was being asked of him and why, and is now trying to cover up his hubris with stories that keep changing. What are we up to now? Burris 4.1?

I’d ask him to step down for the good of the country – and Illinois, but it’s becoming crystal clear that Burris is only interested in the good of himself.  I hope he gets run out of DC on a rail.

Appears I’m not the only one calling for Burris to step down.

The benefit of the doubt had already been stretched thin and taut by the time Roland Burris offered his third version of the events leading to his appointment to the U.S. Senate. It finally snapped like a rubber band, popping him on that long Pinocchio nose of his, when he came out with version four. […] Enough. Roland Burris must resign.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    And my God…. it looks like Harry Reid and Dick Durbin’s first instinct to bar him from the Senate is proven right! Ha!

  2. John Feroce says:

    Just got off the phone with Bill Clinton – he suggests he set up a Defense Fund and was kind enough to pass on Bob Bennett’s cell number 867-5309

  3. John Feroce says:

    “And my God…. it looks like Harry Reid and Dick Durbin’s first instinct to bar him from the Senate is proven right! Ha!”

    In all seriousness, they had no right to legally bar him. They need to change the law in many states (hello?) so that it does not rest in the hand of ONE individual.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I agree with JF for once. I support Feingold’s Constitutional amendment. Also vacant House seats must be filled by special election, why not Senate seats as well?

    Yes, Reid and Durbin were right but they didn’t have the power to bar him. In fact, the thought that the Senate gets to “decide” who is legitimate or not made me a bit queasy.

  5. John Feroce says:

    The new Governor should ask that the Special Election bill be revived in the Illinois State Legislature and pledge to sign it.

    This will ensure universal support for whatever action against Burris your leadership sees fit.

  6. Great post. Mr Burris should step aside and there should be a special election.

  7. liz says:

    I support Feingolds constitutional amendment as well. Otherwise, I think we should just vote everyone of them out…save none and start over.