Delaware Liberal

City of Newark’s Bid to Rip Off Water Customers

Like many municipalities, the City of Newark runs its own water utility to serve its residents.  As a municipality, the city is answerable to their voters for excessive fees, taxes or rates.  Also like many municipalities, the city of Newark provides water service to non-city residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the city.  This is where it gets sticky.

The city of Newark has decided that they are going to raise water rates for city water customers.  If you live in the city, you will be hit with a 15% increase.  However, if you live outside the city, but within the Newark Municipal water supply area, your rates will rise 30%.  After this increase, non-resident city water customers will pay 50% more than residents.  Over 2,000 homes fall into this category.

This is essentially taxation without representation.  One could also call it an unfair monopoly, as it is not subject to Public Service Commission review, as non-municipal utilities (like Artesian) are.  Incidentally, these water customers do not get any other city services like trash removal, plowing, police protection or electric service (city electric rates are going down).  However, these non-residents are being forced to balance the city’s budget.

On Monday, February 23rd at 7:30PM the city council will be meeting at the Municipal building on Elkton Rd. Rep. Kowalko, Sen. Peterson and Rep. Ramone are asking that everyone that is affected by this change come to the meeting to register their displeasure.  There will be an opportunity for public discussion, but just being there will speak loud and clear.

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