Comment Rescue: a. price gets the gold star!

Filed in National by on February 19, 2009

In my earlier post I made fun of Rick Santorum saying: “A democracy could not exist because Mohammed already made the perfect law,” Santorum said. “The Quran is perfect just the way it is, that’s why it is only written in Islamic.”

Then along comes a. price shifting the focus onto Santorum’s first sentence.

…what is really jumping out at ME here is not his mistatement that “islamic” is a language, but that Santorum is saying Democracy cant work in the Muslim world .. which contradicts the reason he and the Repukes got us involved there in the first place.

Go to the head of the class, a. price.


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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Done — Down With Absolutes! | February 19, 2009
  1. anon says:

    … which is why the Muslim world refers to us as “crusaders.” They think we are out to convert them. And maybe that’s what the religious whack neocons really wanted after all, who the hell knows? Remember that Christianist video game they were giving troops where you got to be an armed soldier who grabbed people in the street and forced them to convert or die? I don’t have a link but I am not making this up.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Good catch, and sadly, he may be right.

    You see how they treat women over there? You could say eventually they’ll have some bastardized form of Democracy – something akin to pre-Civil War America. But a western-style Democracy – not until thousands of gallons of their own blood is shed, led by women, minorities, gays, etc.

    What was that again? Oh yeah, religion poisons everything.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Congrats a. price!

  4. a. price says:

    goodness, thanks y’all .. so much attention … feel … so…. powerful.

  5. anon says:

    which contradicts the reason he and the Repukes got us involved there in the first place.

    They spewed a lot of reasons over time… but I thought the initial legal causus belli was to uphold the honor of the UN over Resolution 1441.

  6. a. price says:

    True.. the ORIGINAL reason was WMDs, but the longest running is the forced democracy issue…. i mean the “bestowing our infinite wisdom of government upon these poor unenlightened people”

  7. pandora says:

    I remember hearing an awful lot about “spreading Democracy.” Not at the beginning, but after no WMDs were found that slogan was all the rage.

  8. xstryker says:

    Don’t forget that after all the threats, Saddam relented and gave unlimted access to UN WMD inspectors. That’s why in the final week or so before the war, Bush changed his demand to “Saddam must step down”.

  9. Reis says:

    Is “spreading Democracy” under the Bush regime similar to conquering armies’ “sowing their oats”, as in raping an unwilling populace which incurs a great burden, i.e., unwanted pregnancy, creating 9 months or so down the road bastardized issue no one wants?

  10. a. price says:

    Not only that, but they started saying that was the whole point the whole time… as if the weapons issue never happened.
    I find good in this. The Republicans are such moronic liars… so tangled up and stuck in their web that, as proven by the election less and less people buy it every year. If Santorum’s sentiment spreads and they start claiming something else, it will only erode their credibility (if it can be eroded) further. They seem to change their story and argument without seeming to understand that footage of them is EVERYWHERE saying something else.. and they never even address it.

  11. anon says:

    If Santorum’s sentiment spreads

    heh… Google “spreading Santorum…”

  12. a. price says:

    eww I think I need a shower after having said that I forgot about Santorum’s OTHER meaning.. I mean ya know… the COMMON definition of the word

  13. Mrs XStryker says:

    It really was an excellent point, a. price. Well done!

  14. You miss the point which is no surprise.

    In an area where one man, one vote, one time si the rule we have laid the groundwork with help to have a democracy in Iraq.

    Check the news, the second round of elections at the national level are coming up.

    Also, when you call Obama a liar for not removing our troops in Iraq as he promised in the campaign?

  15. pandora says:

    So, Protack is saying Santorum is WRONG?

  16. a. price says:

    it is my understanding obama gave himself more than a year to remove troops. You people. seriously. “OBAMA HAS BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A MONTH AND NOTHING IS BETTER!!!! IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH”

  17. Why are you guys always attacking Mike?

  18. Mike Protack that is.

  19. a. price says:

    Mike Protack is pilot correct?

  20. Geezer says:

    What I wonder is why Mike isn’t attacking Charlie Copeland on WDEL. This is the second day this week Steve Larrimore has had him on, and neither time has Mike — normally quite the vocal critic of the former state senator on the blogs — been able to find his voice. So sad.

  21. Let me just at least say that the handle-hijacking was at least relegated to two threads that devolved into the handle hijacking. It now seems my doppelganger is simply going to use my OWN name on any thread he or she sees fit.

    Now let’s see cassandra or nemski or xstryker try to rationalize that. I may have started the game, but at least I had some rules and gave a clear outline of when the game was to conclude.

  22. And, let me just clarify, as I’m sure cassandra or nemski or xstryker will step in an mischaracterize the above post: I am in no way COMPLAINING about someone using my name. Really, I could care less. However, it’s kind of useless for me to continue posting here if there’s going to be someone posting under my REAL NAME (and not an anonymous handle). Again, I’m not bitching here. Just telling it like it is. I still think it’s kind of funny, but it’s logistically a trainwreck when I’m trying to say something.

    Again, I had some unwritten rules at DWA where I contained this nonsense to just two posts. And, I also cut it off when I found it had run its course.

  23. a. price says:

    you should switch to Mike Hussein Matthews

  24. cassandra_m says:

    but at least I had some rules and gave a clear outline of when the game was to conclude.

    And I am sure the person running this game on you will show up to give you the unwritten parameters on today’s game any minute now.

  25. Cassandra,

    Spare me, again, your holier-than-thou, schoolmarm routine. I’m simply stating how I feel. I’m letting you know several of the comments WERE not mine. There is a difference between this being done to me and this being done to anonone. If you can’t see the difference, then I can’t help you.

    I am a person whose character and personality has been laid out on these blogs for five years. Far longer than you’ve been involved in the Delaware political blogosphere. I am known by many people in the political community. Whether they have a positive or negative opinion of me doesn’t matter. Here’s the thing. When someone posts a comment attributing it to me, then anyone can think it’s ACTUALLY me posting it. If it’s a comment that is insanely ridiculous or could affect me personally, then I may have an issue.

    Now, anonone is a person who NO ONE KNOWS here. He is a person who can say WHATEVER the hell he wants. His impunity is understood because he’s never come out and given his name, his occupation, his favorite flavor or ice cream. So, in reality, anonone can say whatever the hell he wants (and he has) and not fear any retaliation in his personal life.

    Do you see where I’m coming from here, cassandra? I’m really trying to be as civil as possible, but you keep treating me like some dumb child who should just go back to his room.

    Mike Matthews=somewhat known personality who can definitely be harmed personally and professionally by some comments that could be attributed to him by an imposter

    anonone=an unknown personality who CANNOT be harmed personally or professionally by the comments he makes on these blogs…whether he actually posts or an imposter does.

  26. nemski says:

    Take it elsewhere Mike.

  27. nemski says:

    Told you to take it elsewhere.

  28. By the way, cassandra, I would think that we’ve had enough face-to-face, live, in-person, human being chats to be able to come to some sort of agreement here. Equating fooling around with anonone’s handle and fooling around with my handle is, I’m sorry, really ridiculous.

    I know I made an off-the-cuff comment about you not being able to concede a point last night, but I’m really hoping you’ll agree with me on the above post and concede there is a difference. I’m not saying this to be some contrarian pain in the ass.

  29. Just some guy says:

    there IS a difference, just not a big one. Mike, if you really don’t care… just drop it. anononononoe seems to have

  30. cassandra_m says:

    This is not an issue of harm — it is an issue of being able to own a presence online. For better or worse, A1 is a a consistent personality here and at your place. You can take him or her to task for what is said or name calling, but deciding to just tolerate stealing A1’s identity undermines whatever he or she was trying to say. (Which is a point you just made upthread).

    Whatever your unwritten rules are or were let whoever was undermining A1’s identity still tolerated that behavior — but for your own reasons. And so it is here. Except for us is it schoolmarmish.

    Whatever. What is evident here is that you wouldn’t or couldn’t adequately challenge A1, so you took the cowards way out by just letting someone mess with his identity just because you had no idea who A1 is. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, but establishing a caste system for your commenters isn’t a way to respond to those you disagree with.

  31. RSmitty says:

    I guess you’re being taught a lesson, Mike, although it goes against the standard set here. It’s pretty simple, really. They disagree with your tolerance and find it deplorable, but now that it turned on you and is teaching you a lesson, it’s suddenly become A-OK!!!!

    It’s basically an argument that now appears to be rooted in convenience over principle. Awesome.

  32. a. price says:

    you brave brave crusader. hey i know people will accuse me of bringing attention to myself or whatever.. but A MAJOR REPUBLICAN SAID DEMOCRACY CANT HAPPEN IN THE MUSLIM WORLD

  33. nemski says:

    Et tu, RSmitty.

    MM wrote:

    I simply thought it was pretty damn funny that a guy like anonone (who is, perhaps, one of the most vicious, reprehensible, and unaccountable anonymous commenters in the DE blogosphere) should get a taste of his own medicine.

    Then someone started taking over his internet ID and he wrote:

    It’s already happened to me here, anonone! And I’m loving it. Y’see, I’m able to “get over” things very quickly.

    And then, in this thread, MM complained about the ID-jacking without complaining. Funny stuff.

  34. anonone says:

    Post #33 is, I hope obviously, not mine.

  35. RSmitty says:

    Yeah, but this site took him to serious task for it, but then found it completely acceptable.

    Are you against it, or for it only when it seems appropriate? That is my point.

  36. a. price says:

    whoever it was.. stop patting yourself on the back for getting on your soapbox about pointless crap

  37. RSmitty says:

    wait a second…are comments being removed now (due to ID jacking, I guess)? It seems there are some gaps in the flow of comments.

  38. nemski says:

    And he defended what happened and defended it and defended it and defended it and defended it. Finally, he realized why anonone was pissed.

    But none of that matters as apparently MM is gone from DL for good. LOL, like that’ll happen.

  39. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, I think that jacked comments are being wiped.

    Incidentally, Mike claims that he won’t be commenting here any more. I think that that makes the nickname “Mike Matthews” available. Interested in changing anonone?

    (in Foghorn Leghorn voice) That there’s a joke, son.

  40. nemski says:

    RSmitty, someone came on as anonone.

  41. nemski says:

    Mike’s not coming back here like FSP doesn’t come back.

  42. RSmitty says:

    Again, so it was acceptable, because it taught him a lesson. I think it’s a legitimate point, because some really took him hard to task, but then saw that as no problem, because of him. I don’t like that he thought it was acceptable, either, btw, but sheesh, it’s either OK or it’s not. No middle ground on this shit when you are going to steamroll people for it.

  43. liberalgeek says:

    Now, anonone is a person who NO ONE KNOWS here. He is a person who can say WHATEVER the hell he wants. His impunity is understood because he’s never come out and given his name, his occupation, his favorite flavor or ice cream. So, in reality, anonone can say whatever the hell he wants (and he has) and not fear any retaliation in his personal life.

    I wonder what Mike would do if someone stole Kavips moniker?

  44. anonone says:

    Yeah Nemski – you’re showing how bogus posts should be done. Thanks!

  45. nemski says:

    I understand your point RSmitty.

  46. anonone says:


    I thought that statement was really quite odd and disturbing. He is essentially saying that people shouldn’t be anonymous so others can retaliate against them in their personal lives for their blog posts.

    For the record, I am a small business owner in Wilmington and Mint Chocolate Chip.

  47. a. price says:

    you are a mint chocolate chip?

  48. liberalgeek says:

    A1, I think you know that I don’t approve of your tactics, but I do have a sense of fairness about these sorts of issues. I think we are all vulnerable to making inconsistent decisions based on our emotions. I think MM did that and I think Nemski has done that as well.

    If only I had a small device that could administer shocks to people that broke the rules. I’m sure that I wouldn’t abuse it…

  49. anonone says:


    I am OK with anybody disagreeing with me or disliking my style of debate. I appreciate and admire people here who do have a gentler style.
    I don’t have that and, yes, sometimes I regret it.

    All I ask for are an even playing field and fair rules for everybody. I think that DL does that pretty well.

    And maybe I will chill out a bit…

  50. anonone says:

    a. price

    Favorite ice cream. LOL

  51. Mrs XStryker says:

    It seems to me that if we had some sort of login system this would be a non-issue.

    “Anonymous” as a screen name is a puerile idea in the first place, imo. Screen names are easily kept anonymous anyway.

  52. a. price says:

    haha OOOOOO i thought you were claiming to be ice cream… this glob of mint chocolate chip ice cream lives next door to me and owns a business….. that would kill your anonymity but now i understand

  53. liz says:

    Jesusssss! all the problems in this country and this is how people are spending valuable time. children, children plaaesse.