Great Moments in GOP Pocket Lining

Filed in National by on February 19, 2009

Does anybody remember when I said that the Republican approach to governing was…“Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Feign good will. Attack. Attack. Attack. Line pockets with the spoils”?

Eric Cantor skips the “feign good will” part and jumps straight from attack mode to pocket lining mode.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    The 2nd GOP Mantra is, “It’s All About Me”

  2. pandora says:

    The Virginia Private Bank & Trust, a satellite opened this spring, is still getting off the ground. On Thursday, when ProPublica visited its small Richmond office in an office park not far from the Cantors’ home, a sheet of white paper taped to the door served as its sign. One of the two employees there said the office had yet to serve a client since it opened last spring. She referred further queries to the bank’s main office.

    Didn’t we use to call set ups like this a Front?

    I have a feeling Mr. Cantor will provide us with a lot of material in the coming months.

  3. anon says:

    Eric Cantor skips the “feign good will” part and jumps straight from attack mode to pocket lining mode.

    Republicans are all about efficiency.

  4. Another sorry attack.

    Harry Reid train from LA to Vegas?
    Franklin Raines rigs Fannie Mae for $18.3 million in income?
    Chris Dodd gets a sweetheart mortgage and puts banking supervision on hold for a year to run for President?
    Need more?

  5. nemski says:

    This is Delaware Liberal, where liberal moderators post articles or links that may be of interest to other liberals in or around Delaware.

  6. FSP says:


  7. Von Cracker says:

    Wasn’t most of that debunked, Protack?

    At least the Harry Reid train and the Pelosi’s swamp mouse have been….do I have to bring up the pedophilic construction worker again?

    Get that weak shit out of here! WHHAAAPPP!

    And isn’t it known in GOP airport stalls as the reach-around? Let’s be specific now! 😉

    Like my boy’s sayin’ below….

  8. Bookem says:

    Weak attempt

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Didn’t we use to call set ups like this a Front?

    On The Sopranos this is called a no-show job……

  10. Von Cracker says:

    What happened to Protack’s opinion as fact argument – it just disappeared and was about to DISMISS it out of hand….oh well.

  11. RSmitty says:

    This is Delaware Liberal, where liberal moderators post articles or links that may be of interest to other liberals in or around Delaware.

    I don’t know, nemski. Is this your passive-aggressive way of telling people not like you to buzz off, because, well, they aren’t like you and you can’t tolerate their presence?