Delaware Liberal

The Future of the GOP = Ha Ha Funny

Cut & paste blogging from kos because I can.

The future of the GOP, in all her glory:

A couple of weeks before the Alaska legislature began this year’s session, a bipartisan group of state senators on a retreat a few hours from here invited Gov. Sarah Palin to join them. Accompanied by a retinue of advisers, she took a seat at one end of a conference table and listened passively as Gary Stevens, the president of the Alaska Senate, a former college history professor and a low-key Republican with a reputation for congeniality, expressed delight at her presence.

Would the governor, a smiling Stevens asked, like to share some of her plans and proposals for the coming legislative session?

Palin looked around the room and paused, according to several senators present. “I feel like you guys are always trying to put me on the spot,” she said finally, as the room became silent.

Damn Republicans in Alaska, with their “gotcha” questions…

Update: What she could’ve answered, from the comments:

all of ’em…
all the legislation.  Any of it that’s been put in front of me over the years, also the legislation about job growth you know and the maverick.

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