Day 23: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 20, 2009

Today we commemorate the 23rd day of Congressman Mike Castle’s betrayal of Delaware when he did not vote for the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. He even got a second chance in February, but failed to vote for the people of Delaware, instead he chose to vote for the wingnuts of Delaware.

So we focus today’s post on Congressman Mike Castle’s reelection chances.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. It seems Mr. Castle recognized the inherent failures of Mr. Obama’s plans.

    On Nov. 4, after Barack Obama clinched the White House, the market closed at 9,625.28.

    In mid-morning trading today, the day President Obama signs his massive Generational Theft Act into law and a day before he unveils a massive new mortgage entitlement, the Dow dropped to to 7,606.53.

  2. jason330 says:

    In any 8 year period over the past 100 years the market has gone up…. except one.


  3. liz says:

    Consider this. Castle, Carper, Kaufman as our representatives had to put in numbers Delaware needed as part of the stimulus package. Why did they put in so little when the needs especially in Medicaid are so deep? For decades federal money for Medicaid has been placed in the States General Funds. I understand that comingling fed and state funds is aahhh illegal.

    Now there is new money coming in….while you join me in calling on Markell and the legislature in demanding those federal medicaid dollars go into their own fund so they can be tracked and monitored? Do we not want to make sure that every dime coming in goes for the purpose for which it was intended? For the disabled and the abled who have lost their jobs and their health care. Its not near enough money to cover the disabled let alone all those who will trying to access it.

    Did Carper, Castle and Kaufman even know how much is needed? How did they compute what they “thought” was needed? Why didnt they go after other federal dollars available to them under the medicaid program…like dental care. The feds put up 64% of those monies and the states put in the rest from general funds….aahh those same general funds where past medicaid dollars disappeared into? There is something grossly wrong here.