If you are going to steal from the US Treasury…

Filed in National by on February 22, 2009


That is what Republicans must think. Because they get into an ugly snit if they think some poor bastard might get something from the government that they don’t deserve, but when 19,000 wealthy Americans rip-off the treasury to the tune of $20 billion in unpaid taxes – that doesn’t merit a passing mention.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. Art Downs says:

    Where is the Kennedy fortune tax sheltered?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Are we on the verge of a real outbreak of populism? (which can have both positives and negatives). I read an article last week about Microsoft getting a big pushback on H1B visas. Microsoft is one of the biggest users of H1B visas, asking for 3000 of them when they just laid off 5000 people. People were asking them why they weren’t looking at Americans first?

  3. jason330 says:

    Art – Where is your post on the 19,000 wealthy tax cheats?

  4. sigh, what a shame….

    I stopped reading the rest of the post when I saw the graph was from Michelle Malkin

  5. Truth Teller says:

    I would like to pose a Question.

    Who used gas on the Iraqi’s first Saddam or Winston Churchill?????

    Any Takers????

  6. Art Downs says:

    My post?

  7. Art Downs says:

    I did not know that Bill Gates was a conservative but American workers are being screwed royally by companies who import el cheapo employees.

    The scam is not that complex. Company A wants some cheap professionals. So they go to the State Employment Service and spell out the requirements. They would like an Electrical Engineer with a PhD and will pay a whopping $40,000 per year. The agency runs some ads in magazines and finds that there are no takers. This allows a foreign worker to get a visa and bring his extended family with him. Mom can work at a convenience store and the older kids. His salary will come up over the years.

    Is it xenophobic to bring this up?

    Microsoft may be a great place to work for some people but they have gotten their corporate pee-pee whacked a few times for their employment practices.

    One was the long-term hiring of contract employees to avoid paying benefits.

    In case no one mentioned it, their software does suck.

  8. Art Downs says:

    BTW, who determined that the tax cheats were Republican?

    What was the affiliation of Marc Rich?

  9. whynot says:

    well what about Obama’s cabinet nominees “forgetting” to pay taxes? Then their is Charlie Wrangle, oh I didnt know I had to pay taxes on income from my rental property off shore????come on, its not just the republicans that dont pay their taxes…Like every Dem has paid every cent they owe in taxes…

  10. liz says:

    Dov Zakheim the zionist who was the Treasurer for the Pentagon stole $3 trillion, how come he is walking around scott free?

  11. jason330 says:

    Art and Whynot,

    Why in the world are you defending these 19,000 tax cheats. Have you a patriotic bone in your body?

  12. jason330 says:

    Where is ANY Republican condemnation of these 19,000 tax chats for that matter? Where is the wall to wall Rick Jensen coverage? Where is Sean Hannity?

    Art’s comments prove the point of this post.

    If you are rich cheating is okay, but if you are some working stiff – GOD forbid you get any help from the government.

  13. whynot says:

    jason, im not defending them at all, I think they should all be through in jail. But why doest the post begin with republicans, if all dont pay their taxes then they are cheats, and screwing the rest of us that do pay. I pay quite a bit in taxes and still feel that the government is inefficient and waste too much of my money.
    There is also the double standard, do as i say and not as i do. Why did Obama spend Valentines day in Chicago and not DC. Do you think that was a waste of your hard earned money?

  14. jason330 says:

    jason, im not defending them at all, I think they should all be through in jail.

    Now was that so hard? You’ve broken the Republican silence on these rich tax cheats. God bless you.

  15. Art Downs says:

    Just who are those 19,000 Republican tax cheats? Are they akin to the varying number of alleged Communists at the State Department that were cited by Tailgunner Joe?

    It seems as if the Stinkulus and the Deadbeat bailouts are going to reward ripoffs as well as stupidity. At one extreme we had the swindler running Countrywide. He had very tight connections with Chris Dodd. Some of his victims were near-deadbeats with roach credit and no down payment. Thanks to our gold-plated public education system, phases such as ‘variable rate’ and ‘negative amortization might well have been written in an obscure foreign language.

  16. jason330 says:

    Who said they were Republicans you dim wit? Read the fucking post you joke.

  17. jason330 says:

    .and still he cannot bring himself to condemn the rich tax cheats.

    What a freakshow.

  18. whynot says:

    so only republicans are tax cheats? are only republicans wealthy? What about Daschle? Isnt he a Dem? What about Tim Geithner? Didnt they ‘forget’ to pay their taxes? Do you feel the same about them? Or is it just that you feel Repulicans tax cheats should be thrown in jail? You must be consistent here.

  19. jason330 says:

    Jesus christ you guys are thick.

    I never said the 19,000 wealthy tax cheats in question were Republicans you dumbass. I said that Republicans don;t talk about crimes committed by rich people.

    Get it?

    Art keeps proving my point. At least you, dumbass, admitted that criminals should be put in jail.

  20. whynot says:

    so what about Daischle and Geithner? You agree, that the republican should go to jail? But why can you say the dems should?
    But your article only talks about repulicans that dont pay their taxes?
    Another example of your double standard….I would have more respect for you if you called it down the line for both parties but I guess you cant bring your self to do that, and two , why the name calling,,,you sound worse than Rush

  21. jason330 says:

    Ass, My article says nothing about Republicans paying or not paying their taxes.

    That’s the last time I’m going to say it. If you still don’t get it- that is on you.

  22. a. price says:

    jason, i think whynot is arguing with what he WANTS you to be saying. just like all members of the Right Wing White Supremacist Party, they don’t argue with facts, they KNOW they cant win. They must argue with THEIR reality

  23. jason330 says:

    I think that sums it up. Even if I went to Art or whynot’s house and read it slowly pointing out each word as I read it and stopping to explain any words that they were unsure about, they still would not get it.

  24. xstryker says:

    Pretty transparent, thanks guys for proving our point.

    As you can see, the GOP only cares about the wealthy cheating on their taxes if they know for sure the cheat in question is a Democrat. Democrats they will happily attack from pillar to post, but if they don’t know the political affiliation of a wealthy tax cheat, they can’t possibly bring themselves to criticize them.

    It’s been made patently clear – to Republicans, tax cheating is not a crime. The only crime a wealthy man can be guilty of in the eyes of the GOP is being a Democrat.

  25. Dana says:

    What is it you seek, Jason? The UBS agreement means that the IRS can pursue some Americans who may have cheated on their taxes. OK, that’s fine, but while it’s news, it isn’t particularly controversial.

    What do you expect, that someone is going to write an article condemning the UBS move, because it takes down Switzerland’s bank privacy? Personally, I don’t care that Switzerland’s bank privacy laws are now going to be loosened.

    I do want tax evaders caught, prosecuted, made to pay up and then jailed. But I also want government to stop spending so much money.

  26. jason330 says:

    I do want tax evaders caught, prosecuted, made to pay up and then jailed.

    This is a start I guess. I know that took a lot of guts for you to say.

  27. whynot says:

    so why cant you say it Jason, why cant you say that tax cheats should be caught, prosecuted, make to pay up and then jailed. its not right wing rhetoric, you are okay when we say that they should be jailed, I dont care what party they are. But man up and say it,, say that all tax cheats should be punished no matter what party.

  28. Dana says:

    Jason wrote:

    I do want tax evaders caught, prosecuted, made to pay up and then jailed. (me)

    This is a start I guess. I know that took a lot of guts for you to say.(Jason)

    Now, why do you say that, Jason? Where, in any single article on my site, have you ever found support for either tax evaders or criminals in general getting away with crime? We even have a separate category, Crime and Punishment,which will help you in your search.

    But, perhaps this stems from a different perception on your part. CSPT certainly supports lower taxes, and far lower spending. Could it be that you see advocating lower taxes as constituting tax evasion?

  29. liz says:

    There is one rule for poor, middle class tax cheats and another for wealthy democrat or republican tax cheats. We go to jail, they go to a higher office.

  30. Dana says:

    Well, Liz, it seems that it was President Barack Hussein Obama who nominated such tax cheats as Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle to his cabinet; at least we managed to stop Mr Daschle.