Historical QOD

Filed in National by on February 23, 2009

What happened to Article 12 of the Delaware Constitution?

It seems to have been misplaced.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. anon says:

    Caesar Rodney was supposed to deliver it but he said “Fuck it, somebody else can be the hero this time” and slept in instead.

  2. edisonkitty says:

    It was delicious.

  3. edisonkitty says:

    Soon to be replaced with “Four legs good, two legs better!” ?

  4. anon says:


    Bears looking into. I thought constitutions got amended, not repealed. It was about the State Board Of Health. Maybe they took it out of the Constitution and put it into the code.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Well there you go….

  6. a. price says:

    when did that happen?

  7. liz says:

    We we lost the Board of Health what difference would it make. Div of Public Health does what? How many people work there? One of the 7 agencies that we could do without…let them put Div of Health under some other umbrella agency that actually does something.

  8. About once a year they swing by a restaurant and make sure their sanitizer water has the right ppm, that’s about it.

    Oh, and look up flu patterns on Google to kill their spare time.

  9. Political Observer says:

    It was repealed June 22, 1995.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Anon, you can amend a constitution by repealing one of its Articles or portions of Articles. Our Amendments to the US Constitution have done that. Repealing the 3/5th clause, repealing the clause allowing for appointment of Senators, etc.

  11. anon says:

    Yes, but the original text as well as the repeal amendment should remain with the Constitution and becomes part of the text. But where is the repeal amendment for Article 12?

  12. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Now you know why Boss Baker hired ‘Monty’…he can make things disappear and no one will notice for years 🙂