Two ways to know what conservatives are planning

Filed in National by on February 23, 2009


1) Listen to them.

They’ll tell you everything. Just don’t write it off as “humor” or “you know he’s not serious” or “it’s an elaborate hoax.” Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean legions of true believers out there don’t.

Number 2 is “Look at what they accuse liberals of doing.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Morning Line - February 23, 2009 : Delmarva Dealings | February 23, 2009
  2. Two ways to know what conservatives are planning | February 24, 2009
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Conservatives are going to bring back the Fairness Doctrine?

    Oh yes, I’ve noticed the conservatives art of projection. Remember how much they talk about voter fraud – Ann Coulter anyone? They’re accusing Obama of “spending” and “stimulating” the economy and wasting money because that’s what they did.

    I certainly noticed in 2004 that the Republicans did exactly what they said they were going to do re Kerry. I’m not sure why Kerry wasn’t prepared for it. I guess he thought running as “I’m not Bush” was enough to win.

    I don’t think Republicans are as good at campaigning as they once were. McCain had all the Bush people, but they were a hot mess. I think they must feel a bit adrift since they don’t really have any principles to run on anymore (but they keep flogging them anyway).