Day 27: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 24, 2009

Which member of Congress has now gone 23 months without holding a scheduled in advance* town hall style meeting with his constituents?


*Note to Mike: Meetings announced on Wednesday afternoon for Thursday night don’t count.

Concerned Crowd Brings Economic Woes To Town Hall Meeting, NC – Feb 17, 2009
Congressman Price will hold two other town hall meetings in the coming days. They will be at the following locations:
Sen. Starr and Rep. Edwards to hold joint town hall meeting
Hillsboro Argus –, OR – Feb 13, 2009
State Rep. Lundy to hold first town hall meeting Thursday
Chronicle-Telegram, OH – Feb 6, 2009

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Morning Line - February 24, 2009 : Delmarva Dealings | February 24, 2009
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    23 months! He didn’t even bother during his campaign to hold public events? What an arrogant, out of touch jerk.

  2. Art Downs says:

    Considering the low caliber of Castle’s opposition in the General Elections, why should he campaign?

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good point, Art.

  4. nemski says:

    Crap, I agree with Art.

    The end is nigh! 😉

  5. Day 27 of senseless and unsubstantiated attacks on Mr Castle.

    Your claims border on the delusional. Each elected official schedules events to fit the district, the time of year and the issues at hand. A Town Hall is one way and there are others which can be more effective.

    In the interest of fairness when was the last time Joe Biden scheduled anything in Delaware? While he was a Senator you never saw the guy in Delaware. Last campaign he never appeared once in Delaware before or after the Dem convention.

    What hypocrisy.

  6. jason330 says:

    If townhall meetings are the hooey Protack says they are – why does Castle have the pretend telephone meetings?

    The bogus “meetings” demonstrate an intent to deceive the public.

  7. a. price says:

    can we have today be Day (I’m gonna say 10 even though it is probably more) Protack’s Puppy-love Support of Mike Castle?

  8. anon says:

    Protack – it was pretty hard to get away from the sound of Joe Biden’s voice. We knew where he stood on everything and why.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I guess Protack forgot about the huge rally for Biden on UD’s campus right before the election? Biden also spoke at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner after he was chosen as VP. I remember he made several appearances in Delaware.

  10. jason330 says:

    That Biden thing is a red herring anyway.

    So what if Biden did blow off his responsibility to meet with Delawareans and inform them of the motivations behind his votes. That does not exculpate Castle.

    It has no impact whatsoever on the fact that Castle is blowing off his responsibility.

  11. pandora says:

    This is how the Republicans play the game. But… but… but… he did it too!

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good point, Jason and Pandora.

  13. Bill Dunn says:

    Over the last twenty years I have been involved in; school PTA/PTO’s, local school board’s, State level PTA, community civic groups, civic umbrellas and a County-wide civic organization AND have only met (or for that matter, in the presents of) Mike Castle ONCE, despite the fact that he has held THREE different State-wide offices in that same time. At that one appearance, he gave a quick Saturday morning speech at A.I. for the State PTA and if he hadn’t been shanghaied by a couple of parents who insisted he discuss NCLB at the back of the auditorium as he headed out, he would have been there less than 15 minutes.
    Accordingly, over that same time, admitting that I’m an involved Dem., I’ve seen Joe at least 15 times, had 3 or 4 quick chats and one somewhat lengthy discussion while on the board before a graduation ceremony.
    “Rebuild the GOP”, you have allot of work to do AND there is little doubt, he will face serious opposition this election.

  14. Suzanne says:

    “Protack’s Puppy-love Support of Mike Castle”

    ROFLMAO – Though, if it was a teenage crush it would be cute. . .

  15. Another Mike says:

    Regardless of the need to meet with constituents, I believe our elected representatives (local, state and federal) have an obligation to sit down with those who elected them just to find out what’s going on. Castle’s not alone on this one. I remember contacting Carper’s office a few summers ago and being told there was no need for any such meetings. I can’t recall Biden having any public town hall, but he always seemed quite accessible around Wilmington.