Day 28: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 25, 2009


Hat tip to Jerry Northington. Please check out Northington’s site for a rehash of a very good Letter to the Editor in today’s News Journal.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:


  2. Day 28 of senseless and shameless attacks.

    I am sure there is some sort of pathology for your obsession with Mr Castle.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    You call us obsessed MP, I call us angry constituents.

  4. Thanks, nemski. The sign generator came from a reference here at DL. Castle is such a fine target these day I could hardly resist.

    Peace, Jerry

  5. a. price says:

    day 11 of Protack’s slobbering love affair with Mike Castle (see how i used your party’s own Obama-attack against you? we liberals have “wit”)

  6. Suzanne says:

    We-all-know-who said: “I am sure there is some sort of pathology for your obsession with Mr Castle.”

    My reply: ditto – (or: back atcha, as Palin would say)