Deep Pro-Life Thought
Piyush “Bobby” Jindahl’s mom was 4 months pregnant when she moved to the US.
ERGO: Under wingnut laws of nature, (which are higher than our mere human laws) he is an Indian and not an American.
Piyush “Bobby” Jindahl’s mom was 4 months pregnant when she moved to the US.
ERGO: Under wingnut laws of nature, (which are higher than our mere human laws) he is an Indian and not an American.
I love this post.
Oh No.
Birth Certificate Wars!
Where are those PUMAs when you need them?
me too
Uh… now, this is just stupid.
North Dakota doesn’t think it’s stupid.
If he runs he will have the Naturalized Fetus American vote locked up.
Pandora scores!
anon #4, this is Delaware Liberal, where liberal moderators post articles or links that may be of interest to other liberals in or around Delaware.
“Birth Certificate Wars!”
Perhaps he’ll have the balls to produce his.
nemski –
He is just confused to have his wingnut natural law used against him.
He’ll see the wisdom of this post in time.
“Uh… now, this is just stupid.”
“anon #4, this is Delaware Liberal, where liberal moderators post articles or links that may be of interest to other liberals in or around Delaware.”
anon#4 scores!
My faith tells me that even you are salvable. Savable (?) …salvageable….? Something like that.
Mis, you fail at satire. Unless you honestly think Obama is not a natural born American citizen, or are unaware of the absurd arguments to that effect.
I think if he plans to run for president we need to see an original birth certificate and have at least three witnesses testify that they saw him born in the U.S.
This is also the Internet, where I can call your opinions stupid and you can call me a moronic jackass with the personal hygiene of a sewage-swimming baboon and the morals of a Republican congressman.
See how it works?
I also thought the superfluous use of his given name, when he’s chosen to go by Bobby, to be a bit much. This all smacks a bit too much of “Oooh, the Republicans have somebody with a strange name and foreign roots, too!”
It may be satire, but it falls very, very flat.
I find far more interesting this timeline on his official campaign Web site… effectively stating that he ran for Congress as a placeholder job until he could run for governor:
2001 Appointed by President to be Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation of Health and Human Services
2003 Resigns from federal post to return to Louisiana and run for Governor
2004 Elected to U.S. Congress, representing Louisiana’s first district
Plus, he hasn’t held a single job for more than three years at a time. His resume is impressive, but it looks like he has the attention span of a 2-year-old.
P.S. Jason – it’s “Jindal,” not “Jindahl.” Unless he’s related to Hartly-Nagal or Weldon Stuart. 😉
It is really squiggly line, squiggly line, squiggly line.
I’m sure the birth certificate will prove to be a forgery, too! 😉
And the nice thing is that Jindal is willing to produce his original birth certificate to prove that he was born here. Too bad Obama isn’t — even as I’ve argued that he is a natural born citizen, I’ve also argued that Obama has a moral obligation to produce the original to remove all doubt as to the legitimacy of his presidency (as opposed to the legitimacy of his birth to parents in a bigamous marriage).
It is about when his parents got it on. Not about some piece of paper.
I heard Obama is really a space alien from Uranus. Until he proves he’s not, I’m sticking to my guns