Filed in National by on February 25, 2009

Obama still has 7 more months til’ any of this shit starts being his fault

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    How did you arrive at 7 months?

  2. Anything before 9/11 is the other Presidents fault

  3. Truth Teller says:

    I thought it was still Clinton’s Fault!!!!!!!

  4. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Millard Filmore should never be absolved of blame, and he never will be as long as I maintain my resolve, so help me GOD!

  5. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    But really this could never be blamed on Obama no more than you could blame the captain of the Carpathia for the sinking of the Titanic. He `s trying to put out the fires that someone else started.

  6. Sharon says:

    But you guys blamed George Bush after Election Day for every problem. Why give Teh One any slack?

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And you guys spent 8 years blaming Bill Clinton for every problem of BushCo.

    See how that works?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Give us one example, Sharon.

  9. RSmitty says:

    6 Sharon // Feb 26, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    But you guys blamed George Bush after Election Day for every problem.

    liberalgeek // Feb 26, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Give us one example, Sharon.

    OMG, my brain just vibrated, seriously. I read Geek’s challenge and it shook.

    Dude, even I was one to happily watch (and sometimes participate in) the criticisms of Bush fly (and apply them to Darth Cheney, too). You’re actually asking her to prove one?

    Ouch. It just shook again. Damn it, I blame you for the brainquake, Geek!!!

    BTW, it is Obama’s fault that Sharon points out that it is/was Bush’s fault in that it was Clinton’s fault, because it was Bush I’s fault, only after Reagan had fault, but because Carter…oh man was it ever his fault, but then Ford, who could not manage a flight of steps to a plane, it really was his fault, but only because of the fault of Nixon, who only stood to get that because of all the blame pegged on Johnson, who amazingly only saddled the blame from Kennedy who had to endure Ike’s blame, but only because Truman set him up as a scapegoat, making Truman the true faulty dude, but only after FDR had the gall to die on him, making it his fault, which was…