Reactions to President Obama’s Speech
Because you guys will be here before I can in the morning.
I thought that this was an impressive speech. Focused on the economy and getting the domestic house in order, he was able to lay out the seriousness of or collective situation while hitting pretty high notes on our ability to get past this period, but also to take advantage of the multiple opportunities there for the taking in refocusing on our economy:
- Energy
- Health Care
- Education
Foreign policy was much thinner as a subject here. And I am just delighted that Obama keeps reminding folks how we got here and delighted that he is keeping up the bipartisan theme.
Tell us what you thought of the speech, the plan and how much you think he’ll accomplish. No, Jindal did not live up to the hype. It didn’t help that President Obama pretty much used the Jindal litany of “new ideas” as those ideas that got us in the hole we are in now. But I kept waiting for the phone number to scroll across the screen that would put me in touch with operators standing by who would get me my free aluminum siding quote.
Tags: President Obama
What did you think of Bobby.
Looks like another gif like Sarah and Steel.
Health Care
Which translates into: An educated, healthy population focused on the future.
Sounds good to me!
It’s interesting that he talks about transparency on how the money will be spent but how can with really know without full financial transparency of Delaware schools and DOE?
Public education in Delaware is slated to take a possible minimum of 54 million dollar hit! If Obama hands Delaware 54 million dollars to plug that shortfall so what real message does it send! The LEAD report identified 150 million dollars savings in current funding stream!
Charter schools! What about them? They get local share of operation cost but don’t get capital cost to build schools. Charter schools are “corporations” where buildings aren’t own by the state. If the feds give money to build charter schools why then continue requiring local taxpayers to foot a portion of capital expenses.
I did like how it put it on the line for parents to step up and accept their responsibilities.
It’s like a mirror image of Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine. Instead of using the crisis to profit the corporatists, use it to profit the people. And the people are loving it!
Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s screw the corporatists — that came through loud and clear too. And the people are loving it!
When Obama correctly pointed out the deficit he inherited and the cost it will take to fix the crisis created by the previous adminstration – Dems stood to applaud while Republicans remained seated… CNN dial testing shot up for Dems and shot down for Repubs.
Republicans are still in denial. They are the party of fantasy.
But fantasy sells. So that is why Obama was so insistent on getting health care done this year before mid-term elections. He knows he will probably never have more support than he does right now.
I didn’t hear screw the corporations.
I heard ‘curb the abuse’. There’s a big difference.
Have you ever had a thought in your head that was just flat out hilarious, but the public delivery was…eh? If you listened to the 8:24 version of WDEL’s talkback this morning, you know what I am talking about.
I’m starting to think Jason and I are now competing in the talkback venue!!! 😛
Corporatists, not corporations. We’re still a capitalist country and we need the corporations — just not the greedy bastids who have been raping the country for at least three decades.
I really think we need to start attaching the word “duplicity” to everything that comes out of the conservative Republican’s talking heads.
Like, “Duplicity has become the cornerstone of how the Republican’s address the deplorable economic circumstances they’ve generated for all hard working Americans.”
Mike Casrtle’s reaction is out of step with the country’s.
92% somewhat or very positive!
Obama helped himself a lot last night. I almost felt sorry for Jindal. Well, I guess he’s got plenty of time to learn how to speak before 2012. I think the biggest news from his speech was that he was going to move on healthcare this year. He’s right, he can’t afford to wait. It should be an interesting year!
Anon has a good point — “curb the abuse” is certainly the theme and probably deserves its own post.
And Bill’s point is quite right — and as long as these guys have nothing more to say than tax cuts without recognizing that we have an entire nation that lived through 2 rounds of large tax cuts that produced about the weakest growth in living memory — they’ll still sound like they are still only serving themselves.