Delaware Liberal

Rush Seeks to ‘Own Women’

Some things El Somnambulo can’t make up. Rush Limbaugh, confronted with polling showing an exceedingly large gender gap in his radio audience , is convening a summit to find out how he can ‘own women’, which, El Somnambulo thinks, should tell you something right there.

Perhaps Limbaugh’s issues stem from quotes like this:

– “She’s actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn’t have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat’s taught me more about women, than anything my whole life.” 11-30-06

– “He’s trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team…supposedly, you know, raped, some, uh, hos.” 3-31-06

– “You know, there’s a crisis of young man-boy education in the schools. And they did this on purpose, to eliminate male competition in the work force. This is part of feminazi grand plan.” 5-21-08

– “Classic example of the castrati, the new castrati. Jack Carter is — has beencastrated by the feminization of this culture since he grew up.” 2-21-06

– “I just heard Erin Burnett sounding a little wifey. … Well [she was] whining.” 10-23-07

El Somnambulo smells publicity stunt b/c El Somnambulo knows that this summit will have zero positive impact. As it should.

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