Delaware Liberal

Steele’s New Hip Hop GOP in Action

Grab the popcorn, this just gets better and better.

SLIWA: Now, using a little bit of that street terminology, are you giving him any Slum love, Michael?

STEELE: (laughter)

SLIWA: Because he is — when guys look at him and young women look at him — they say oh, that’s the slumdog millionaire, governor. So, give me some slum love.

STEELE: I love it. (inaudible) … some slum love out to my buddy. Gov. Bobby Jindal is doing a friggin’ awesome job in his state. He’s really turned around on some core principles — like hey, government ought not be corrupt. The good stuff … the easy stuff.


Meanwhile, two days after the speech, Bobby Jindal still isn’t available for comment which is even sadder.

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