Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday Night.

Sorry this is late. And I am sorry I have been derelict in my duties here at DL. Sometimes real life work takes precedence, since I get paid to do that work. But my absence prompted a funny picture from Mr. Nemski:

Don’t worry, I didn’t just out myself. If you chose to come out to DL events, you would all know what I look like. I choose to keep posting under my pen name Delaware Dem for nostalgia purposes, harking back to the early days of Daily Kos. But on the subject of outting, Steve Newton has a great post up today about the subject. Take a read.

Steve also has some suggestions for reducing the state budget deficit.

And this post is why I call Tyler Nixon a progressive Republican. No other Republican alive or dead could possibly write this.

Tommywonk also reports on Indian River Power being sued for over 6,000 violations of the Clean Air Act in only 4 years. Here is a thought: if we make pollution a capital offense, will the regulations be followed?

Tom also discusses the latest on the Bluewater Wind amidst the breakup of Babcock & Brown.

Kilroy found Matt Denn.

I agree with Steve about Michael Smerconish
. While I often disagree with him, he is the only, ONLY, conservative talk show host I can stomach listening to for more than a nanosecond. Indeed, there are occasions where I actually agree with Smerconish and enjoy his show. So, Steve, you don’t have to “suspect” me.

Mat Marshall will get a tattoo ANYWHERE on his body if you somehow prove to him that God exists.

Dana Garrett reports on six Delaware hotels that have gone green.

Mike Matthews asks why the SIEU and other like minded Unions and advocacy groups are wasting money praising Senator Carper on his vote for SChip, especially when their money could be better used elsewhere.

Steve Newton comments on my post last week at the battle for the narrative. And he asks an interesting question in another post:

While Jack Markell is out talking to the public about budget cuts and their unlovely corollary, where’s any mention of greater public school transparency by putting district checkbooks online?

And why wouldn’t we extend that requirement to Delaware’s three institutions of higher education, that between them walk away each year with a quarter billion of the public’s money and virtually no accountability for how it’s spent?

Dana Garrett ponders why cutting state employees pay and benefits must be the default position in cutting the deficit during a financial crisis rather than a modest tax increase on the wealthy.

Kavips asks where he is. Just like people were asking were I was this week.

Brian Shields talks about solar incentives for local municipalities.

Hube gives some insight about himself. Apparently he was once a fast runner. Not sure what to make of that.

Redwater Lily … post of the month:

Tommywonk is 4 years old! That is 50 in blog years. And he has a nice observation:

The Delaware blogosphere has certainly grown over the last four years. Many of Delaware’s best blogs were not yet in existence, though a few old timers who were online before I came along are still around. I am still struck by the way that blogging, which is in many ways a solitary endeavor, has created a sense of community, complete with social gatherings and charity events. And even in these partisan times, Delaware’s liberal and conservative bloggers still link to one another.

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