Delaware Liberal

Burger King Backs Off EFCA Support

With a little help from this:


From the SEIU announcement:

(From BKC’s response – Ed.) “Burger King Corp. (BKC) believes unions serve a purpose in some workplaces and a number of its guests, vendors and franchisees have positive union membership experiences. BKC is not anti-union. BKC and its franchisees serve a diverse consumer base and, therefore, aim to remain neutral on political issues.

Evidently there were multiple actions at BKC facilities last week by a coalition of groups including the SEIU, Brave New Films, Jobs with Justice, and the Coalition for Social Justice that resulted in BKC backing off. The SEIU isn’t done yet:

Now that it has recanted its opposition, we fully expect that Burger King will cease its expenditures on lobbying against the Employee Free Choice Act and either withdraw from business associations that also oppose the bill, or demand that those groups also stop lobbying against the Employee Free Choice Act.

Burger King spent $319,648 lobbying against the proposed legislation between 2006 and 2008 and has helped fund the fight against the bill through its involvement in the National Retail Federation, one of the organizations behind an anti-employee free choice group called the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace.

This is a good win, and if you haven’t seen the video take a few minutes to do so. The kind of behavior that is on display here by BK with their employees is exactly what GOPers and their business handlers want to preserve.

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