First we learned that Jindal’s I was one of Katrina’s heros story was a sham, and now there’s this.
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana’s transportation department plans to request federal dollars for a New Orleans to Baton Rouge passenger rail service from the same pot of railroad money in the president’s economic stimulus package that Gov. Bobby Jindal criticized as unnecessary pork on national television Tuesday night…
… Jindal on Tuesday delivered the official Republican Party response to President Barack Obama’s address to Congress. He criticized the stimulus package passed by the Democratic-majority in Congress and the president and noted examples of projects that he found objectionable.
“While some of the projects in the bill make sense, their legislation is larded with wasteful spending,” Jindal said. “It includes … $8 billion for high-speed rail projects, such as a ‘magnetic levitation’ line from Las Vegas to Disneyland.”
Louisiana’s transportation department plans to request federal dollars for a New Orleans to Baton Rouge passenger rail service.
Wait a second… I thought high-speed rail was pork. At least this is what Republicans and Jindal kept telling me again and again and again and again.
Asked for comment Friday about the Jindal stance on the federal rail money, the governor’s Chief of Staff Timmy Teepell said he does not think the Las Vegas to Anaheim line is a good use of taxpayer money. He did not address the Louisiana proposal.
Never mind. I forgot. It’s only pork when it’s a Democrat idea. On the plus side, Jindal is supplying the fix for Palin withdrawal.