Rebuilding the Basics of Americanism
This passage from Boing Boing got me thinking.
I think it is fair to say that the basics of what it means to be an American have been lost. Our shared American identity has been trampled on and trashed by greedy shortsighted politicians and corporate pirates out to collect some quick and dirty booty. If that is true, something that contributes to Barrack Obama’s huge popularity is the fact that he is rebuilding the basics of Americanism for all of us.
I’ll let Paul Spinrad explain:
It seems to me that every so often, the dominant political and cultural machine grows so large and incestuous that it loses its connection to people and makes them feel powerless and irrelevant. When this happens, in the West anyway, there’s inevitably a revolution of words, of back-to-basics and idealism, against the image-conscious, superficial, wealth-obsessed Babylon. Because it’s based on words, people can place their trust in it fully and spread it, and it will continue to make sense over time. It doesn’t propagate through image, might, or personal influence. This empowers people again– perhaps simply by making them feel empowered.
Big examples are the formation of Christianity and Islam, and the Protestant Reformation. Today we see other fundamentalisms. But the inevitable next one doesn’t have to be intolerant and destructive. If we engage with the task of developing it, rather than avoiding it and leaving it to others, it can be a nice one.
So let’s say President Obama’s insistence on bi-partisanship springs from this willingness to form a constructive Amercan consensus around a world view that conservatives can hold in common with liberals.
If that is the goal – I’m for it.
For over a year I was getting annoying messages on my cell phone as well as letters at work re an expiring car warranty. There were a number of seeming coincidences that let to the only data base that contained the relevant information. It was the State of Maryland toll facilities where I got a transponder to save time during my daily Bay Bridge crossing.
This seemes to have been provided to InfoUSA, a rather sleazy firm involved in all sorts of Telemarketing scams. Their CEO is one Vinod Gupta, a dear friend and benefactor of Bill Clinton and assorted Democrats. Is Vinod a corporate pirate/
Are these pirates the Wall Street ‘investment bankers’? Where did their contributions go?
Bernie Madoff made Marc Rich look like a mere shoplifter but they seemed very supportive of Democrats? Were these two ‘pirates’ or were they merely ‘misunderstood’?
What about Frankin Delano Raines? He seemed to slither from Washington to Wall Street and ripped off Fannie Mae for nearly a hundred million and got away with it. Under what presidents did he serve?
Any answers?
We can all share in righteous indignation about the platinum parachtes given to far too many executives for their role in ruining companies and a lot of lives. Check on their political contributions before calling partisan names.
There are some who donate to both sides in a form of CYA.
You are such a fucking tool Art. Can’t you put down your stupid wingnut schtick for one minute?
It was the State of Maryland toll facilities where I got a transponder to save time during my daily Bay Bridge crossing.
Art, please turn in your Libertarian card to Ron Paul on your way out the door.
There is nothing bi partisan about Obama. He was the most liberal Senator and he will be a one term very liberal President.