CR: God Created Teleprompters For A Reason

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009

This comment rescue comes from our resident spammer, Rebuild the GOP.

One thing about Limbaugh’s speech, he didn’t read to the audience, he talked to them. Without a teleprompter Obama is lost.

Why use a teleprompter? Mmm, maybe so you don’t confuse the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

From Limbaugh’s speech:

We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. [Applause] We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. [Applause] Liberty, Freedom. [Applause] And the pursuit of happiness. [Applause] Those of you watching at home may wonder why this is being applauded. We conservatives think all three are under assault. [Applause] Thank you. Thank you.

Just saying.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I doubt it would change anything since conservatives don’t really do fact-checking anyway.

  2. James Pence says:

    Rush Limbaugh Doesn’t Need A Teleprompter At CPAC. Drugs Maybe?
    Rush Limbaugh Copies Barack And Michelle’s Fist Pound At CPAC Video

  3. Geezer says:

    Anyone following Mike Protack’s comments here, under whatever tag he uses, should understand now why the state GOP wants nothing to do with him — he’s well to the right of the state party’s mainstream, despite his lip service to “organized labor” (the pilots’ union is about as working-class-oriented as the major league baseball players’ union).

  4. Art Downs says:

    So the union union that provided cover for thugs at DPC was a wonderful bunch of guys? Anyone check the rap sheet on their president?

  5. TommyWonk says:

    Actually, Obama does pretty well without a teleprompter. Remember the debates with John McCain?

    Then there was last week’s fiscal responsibility summit with members of congress, in which Obama easily handled the point-counterpoint with the gathering.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    It is amusing that those who were dismissive of Obama’s speechmaking skills are rhapsodic over the Gasbag’s very highly paid ranting.

  7. PBaumbach says:

    Obama at Rodney Square–no teleprompter
    Obama at Wilmington Train Station–no teleprompter

    Thousands and thousands of Delawareans felt that Obama did a pretty good job talking to us.

    Batting 1,000 there Mike!

  8. Since election, not one introduction or speech without a teleprompter-not a one.

    You are obviously having a difficult time defending Obama. Every time someone presents facts which call into question his reckless policies or lack of leadership you call them spam. Game, set and match.

    Oh the debates, you mean the endless talking points a 3rd grader could have recited?

    President Obama is not up to the job and the country will suffer greatly under his misguided policies and errant leadership.

    The more he reads from the tele prompter the lower the market goes, the more jobs are lost and the worse the economy gets.

    He needs to get that web number from VP Biden.

  9. At the rate of decline we are suffering under Obama by October 2009 the market will be at zero.

    Now that is liberal paradise, no one has any assets and everyone suffers equally.

  10. cassandra m says:

    So we can count Mike in as a part of the Root for Failure Caucus, yes?

  11. anonone says:

    Since election, not one introduction or speech without a teleprompter-not a one.

    See town meetings and answering questions from real-live unscreened Americans – something Bush could never do or permit.

    See also press conferences with unscreened question and answers with real substance.

    the debates, you mean the endless talking points a 3rd grader could have recited?

    If you mean the debates where he destroyed John McCain, yes.

    You, sir, are a demonstrable liar.

  12. Suzanne says:

    “At the rate of decline we are suffering under Obama by October 2009 the market will be at zero.”

    42days you idiot – 42 days since Obama took office. All the bull crap he is dealing with and the economic decline are all still part of REPUBLICAN dushbag Bush’s legacy! It will take a bit more then 41 days to fix what the brainless one fucked up in 8 years.