Deep Snow Thought

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009

My top speed on the way to work this morning was 44 mph. (Rt1 soutbound between Middletown and Smyrna).

The people going 20 are much more dangerous, it seems to me, than the people going 50.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I’m wih you on this Jason:
    It’s the 20 mphourers are usually the ones w/o their lights on…making them even more of a hazard.

  2. Art Downs says:

    Another victim of the ‘parade makers’?

    I feel your pain.

    The phrase appeared on the “Urban Dictionary” this morning and it was a rather timely posting.

    I’m sitting it out for a while before I make my trek into Maryland and the other side of the Bay.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I gotta brave the roads soon.

  4. anon says:

    Delaware driver’s manual:

    On a wet road you should reduce your speed about 10 mph. On packed snow you should cut your speed in half. Use snow tires or chains when the road has snow on it. On ice, you must slow to a “crawl”.

  5. seems to me the people going 45 in the snow assuming the roads are still snow covered are the more dangerous.

    your logic supports the reason why De drivers are horrible in the snow

  6. X Stryker says:

    I made about 40-something down I-95 this morning, and I don’t think I would have gone any faster if I could have.

    Drive carefully everyone!

  7. meatball says:

    Agree with Vitti. Better to go slow and arrive a little late than get in a wreck or a ditch, have to wait for the police and cancel whatever plans you have. Then later in the week have to drop the car off at the shop.

    This does appear to be a grippy snow, but down here there is a half inch layer of ice on the bottom.

  8. anon says:

    Better to go slow and arrive a little late

    But then Jason wouldn’t have been able to post complaints about slow drivers until maybe 9:30!!

  9. nemski says:

    The wonders of this age: I can work from home.

  10. The wonders of this age: El Somnambulo is unemployed. He can not work from home.

  11. Political Observer says:

    The state is losing a prime opportunity to make this a “furlough” day. It would cause serious conflict for those folks who regularly wish for snow days.

  12. The wonders of this age: I can work from home.

    as he comments on a blog 🙂

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    As someone who spent 7 yrs. in Buffalo, it is much better to go slower and use your brake less than to go faster and have to brake for a car that is going slower. The roads weren’t too bad (remember I lived in Buffalo), I only had about 10 extra minutes on my commute. The worst part was getting into work because everyone was arriving at the same time.

  14. Another Mike says:

    I am also a former resident of Western New York. I thought the roads today weren’t bad, especially I-95. I was moving at 45-50 mph. One of the most important things to remember is to leave plenty of space between vehicles, because I don’t care what SUV you’re driving, 4-wheel drive don’t mean jack when you’re sliding on packed snow or ice.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Rather go slower than normal than wind up like the douchebag with the Jeep 4×4 who was driving like an ape, weaving in and out of anything in his way, this morning.

    I wound-up passing him a mile or so up the road. His jeep with the 27 in tires flipped over, engine smoking, and probably totalled.

    As a former Jeep owner (multiple times), I laughed.

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s right, Another Mike, leave plenty of space between you and other cars. You do this in case their car starts fishtailing or your car does.

  17. Dana says:

    The predicted 3 to 5 inches of snow for last night failed to materialize, so I drove to work on dry roads. Howsomever, some fine gentleman (?) ahead of me in an older S-10 Blazer must have thought the very dry road has six inches of snow covering it, ’cause that SAMF was moving at a crawl.

    It started snowing, the so-called “second wave,” here at 0700, and we had a measured three inches by noon; by then it was starting to taper off. I got the loader out of the garage and plowed the yard, and the plant is ready to go for tomorrow.

    Mrs Pico slid a little bit this morning; she didn’t have top work but had to take Pluto in to get spayed this morning.

  18. nemski says:

    Ended up shoveling only twice. Hoorah!

  19. xstryker says:

    Best of luck to Pluto, Dana.