Delaware Liberal

Schadenfreude Alert: Blackwater CEO Resigns

Some job losses sting a little less than others. Seeing a company that exported hired mercenaries and assassins flounder does not make ‘Bulo sympathize with either the employers or employees.

And, of course, the CEO earned his access the old-fashioned way, he paid for it:

Prince’s political credentials also appeared to help the company win large contracts; An intern under former President George H.W. Bush, Prince has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians, including Pat BuchananOliver North, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), among others.

And an ironic footnote. The company president’s name is Prince. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable  symbol. This Prince changed Blackwater’s name to the unpronounceable Xe.

‘Bulo considers this to be definitive proof that the Kennedy assassination was a sinister conspiracy.

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