Delaware Liberal

Ziegler Is Not Only a Bad Sockpuppet, He’s a Bad Date

I really tried to ignore John – or, should I say Konrad? – Ziegler, but with material like the videos below…

Another Republican gift that keeps on giving.  And in case you’re tempted to give his public persona a pass, he’s just as bad in his personal life.

(h/t The Daily Beast and The Political Carnival)

Watch the videos, and, when you stop laughing, you’ll realize who Republicans have put in charge of their party.  Forget Hip Hop.  Shock jocks rule.  The question is why?  Why has the GOP handed message control over to people like Rush, Hannity, and Ziegler?

To me, this symbolizes a problem with their base.  Why woo people who should already be in bed with you?

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