Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday

Dana Garrett sees the first inklings of an economic recovery.

Governor Markell should hire Kavips. Looks like I will be spending Sunday just reading his work. So if I have to do that, so do all of you.

Paul Baumbach has a Progressive Update.

Redwater Lily posts a reminder about a foreclosure seminar tomorrow in Wilmington. Sign of the times, I guess. Lily also reminds us of a Energy and Climate Change discussion in Lewes on March 21, and she reports on a new food exchange website right here in Delaware called the Delaware Food Trader.

She also finds the best pictures.

Nancy Willing has a press release from KWS on the money she is saving businesses.

Tommywonk reports on Governor Markell ordering regulators should take a broader view of the costs of energy by including health costs in making decisions about meeting our energy needs.

Coal power may look cheap on paper, until you factor in the health costs of breathing dirty air.

Shirley has a story that should remind us all to take care of yourselves. Women and men, get your mammograms. Men, get your prostate exams.

Even though this is about national news, I have to post a link to Dominique’s latest on DWA, since it will shock you. She starts off with: “You may have noticed that I’m not a big fan of Barack Obama’s.” Immediate frontrunner for Understatement of the Year.

Oh, the detente between Dominique and President Obama did not last.

Kilroy and Lt. Governor Denn make peace.

And just as Tommywonk has become our go to guy on wind power, Kilroy is the Master of Education. I encourage you all to read his thoughts on reform in Delaware.

Brian Shields:

In a recent discussion over at Delaware Liberal, which was supposed to be about whether or not Universal Health care would make the country more competitive (which I still don’t see how, by the way.. ), I came up with a brain child of an idea.

Government sponsored HSA’s.

He also has a heartbreaking story about his sister in law. To me, allowing your religious or political beliefs to interfere with a lifelong friendship especially during a time of immense grief is a grievous sin.

Much like I did with Dominique above, I have to link to Hube since a cold front is obviously entering Hell as we speak: he has kind words for Hillary Clinton.

Delaware Libertarian discusses the Delaware Student Torture Program, and Lt. Governor Denn’s plans to reconsider it.

And Tyler reports on a story I missed:

News-Journal editorialist Ron Williams, of the Delaware Way, would be for something so counter-establishment and innovative as eliminating the bloated, over-priced, mismanaged, heavy-handed Wilmington City Government, in favor of a more efficient, less costly “metropolitan” form of government.

RSmitty leaves the Republican Party, and already he has a political party named after him.

And if Dave posted a local story before March 5th, I can’t reach it, since there seems to be something wrong with the site loading completely. Maybe it is just my browser.

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