Delaware Liberal

On Being a Wingnut Meme

I can’t say that I’m happy about becoming a wingnut meme as non-readers link to this blog from around the country, because wingnuts are, you know…nuts.

Anyway, Hube has banned me – so here is the response to his post that I would have left in the comment section if he were not so terrified of the truth.


Instapundouche linked your post with a huffington post which made mine seem like I was calling your tea party treasonous – when in fact I think the tea parties are merely asinine. I was calling armed revolt against the government treason. What do you call it?

Also, with regard to my “arguments” get torn to shreds by new — and reasoned — visitors” You should read the comments that got caught in the spam filter. If by “reasoned” you mean “vile” you have a point.

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