More Public Policy Polling Numbers are In and Markell is well loved.
Over the last year and a half PPP has done approval ratings on Senators and Governors in states across the country but never has it ever found a Governor with as high an approval rating as Delaware’s Jack Markell
It is not just Democrats, but all of Delaware likes Markell
Markell is enjoying approval from 62% of the state’s voters, with only 17% disapproving. It’s no surprise he gets support from 76% of Democrats, but his performance also gets positive reviews from a plurality of Republicans (42/32), and a majority of independents (52/15).
Sorry wingnuts, Delaware also likes Obama
President Obama is off to a pretty good start with Delaware voters as well, with 63% approving of his work so far compared to 31% who disapprove. Obama is extremely strong with the Democratic base, with 89% expressing support for his work, but has considerably weaker numbers than Carper and Markell with Republicans and independents. 64% of Republican disapprove of Obama’s performance with only 25% in approval, and independents are just narrowly giving him positive marks, 49/43.
Last but not least…
Appointed Senator Ted Kaufman is a blank slate to a plurality of voters in the state, with 41% saying they have no opinion of him one way or the other. Among those who do he has 35% approval and 24% disapproval.
Stay tuned. Tomorrow’s poll numbers include Castle/Carney for Castle’s House seat.