Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue from Roadkill

If it did come down to civil war, I don’t think your average anti would fight. They’d leave it for some uncivilized knuckledragging marine or policeman to enforce their wims.

By “anti”, he’s referring to people who support “well-regulated” gun control. And by “wims”, he’s referring to “whims”. And by “enforce” such whims, he’s maybe talking about “defeat the armed insurrection against the American Government”?

Your thoughts? Are marines or policemen uncivilized knuckledraggers or defenders of our safety and security? I think calling them “knuckledraggers” is disgusting. I also think it’s absurd for a person contemplating armed insurrection to refer to anyone as “uncivilized”.

And Roadside, speaking for myself only, if people like you staged a coup and took over the government, my programming skills would be more dangerous to you than a hundred armed men.

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