Delaware Liberal

Whackos Preparing ‘Marriage Protection Act’

A talkative toucan informs El Somnambulo that Sen. Bob Venables (D-Mars) and the troglodyte caucus are preparing a so-called ‘Marriage Protection Act’ for introduction. It’s not in the system yet, but it already has a number, SB 27 (666 is already reserved). And a synopsis:

“A marriage between a man and a woman is the only legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.”

Not surprisingly, not a single sponsor is from north of the Canal:

Prime: Sen. Venables, Rep. Walls, Hocker, D.Short

Co.: Sen Adams,Bonini,Ennis, Simpson, Rep. Atkins

First, allow El Somnambulo to praise Rep. Atkins for, once again, standing up for the sanctity of traditional marriage. Now, if only his family would learn to obey him…

And, in the interest of objective reporting, Edward R. Bulo will include the request for support verbatim without snarky comment:

I am writing to urge your support for the Delaware Marriage Protection Amendment.
Across the country, the American people have overwhelmingly supported similar measures protecting our shared understanding of marriage as the union of a husband and wife. In 30 out of 30 states where the people have had their say — they have said yes to marriage as the union of a husband and wife.
Recent court decisions in Massachusetts, Connecticut and California show how vulnerable our marriage laws are. Without a state amendment, it’s only a matter of time before activists file a lawsuit seeking to overturn our marriage laws.
Marriage isn’t about bigotry. It’s about bringing together men and women so that their children have the chance to be known and loved by their own mother and father. In a married family, this is normal. Outside of marriage, children seldom receive this birthright.
Our marriage tradition is shared across time, culture, and religion — reflecting the shared wisdom of humanity handed down over millennia.
We urge you to support the Delaware Marriage Protection Amendment. As citizens of Delaware, we need your leadership on this important topic. Marriage is too important to leave to a handful of unaccountable judges.

As you enjoy the crocuses and spring flowers bursting forth,
may your heart rejoice in God’s creation reminding us of new life
and ressurection hope.

One would guess that the fundamentalists are behind this.  Can’t be sure b/c the Talkative Toucan has developed a case of the dry heaves.

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