Delaware Liberal

Will Republican Leaders Listen To Republicans

Greg Sargent points out the trend.  Republicans aren’t happy with their Republican leaders.

The approval rating of GOP leaders among Republicans has plummeted 12 points in a month, down from 55% in February to a minority of 43% now. That’s striking.

Not only that, but approval of GOP leaders overall has dropped to 28% overall — the lowest rating for GOP leaders in 12 years of Pew polling.

In fact, approval of Republican congressional leaders has fallen from 34% in February to 28% currently, the lowest rating for GOP leaders in nearly 14 years of Pew Research surveys.

Why is this happening? Is it general lack of morale among Republicans? Is it that GOP voters are frustrated that their leaders haven’t succeeded in blocking Obama’s agenda? Or could it be that the Dem strategy of using Rush Limbaugh to drive a wedge between die-hard partisan Republicans and those who want to see Obama succeed is working? Something is turning Republicans against their own leadership — in big numbers.

Hmm… what could possibly be turning Republicans against their leadership?  Could it be that their new RNC Chair is a constant source of embarrassment?  Or that most have come to accept Rush Limbaugh is in charge?  Or does it have something to do with the fact that the Republican Congress has abdicated its role as a governing body in exchange for sitting on the sidelines waiting to say I told you so.

All of these scenarios certainly aren’t helping, and all say the same thing:  Republicans aren’t serious and don’t deserve to be taken seriously.  That is the problem.  If Republican leadership wants Republican support then they need to give them something to support. Yes, it really is that simple.

But feel free to keep telling yourselves that your problems stem from not being conservative enough.  Keep deferring to Rush and, by all means, keep Steele talking (pretty please with sugar on top!), and while you’re doing those things make sure you keep your legislative strategy of “No” because it’s working so well for you.

And, finally, you really should ignore the three polls Sargent cites.  We all know that those dissatisfied GOPers aren’t real Republicans.  Keep up the good work.  I think you’re doing a heckofa job!

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