Delaware Liberal

Bill Taxing (some) Bonuses Passes The House


WASHINGTON – Acting swiftly, the Democratic-led House approved a bill Thursday to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses at firms bailed out by taxpayers.

The bill would impose a 90 percent tax on bonuses given to employees with family incomes above $250,000 at American International Group and other companies that have received at least $5 billion in government bailout money.

85 Republicans, including Cantor, and 243 Democrats voted yes.  6 Democrats and 87 Republicans, including I can’t hold back the tears Boehner, voted no.

I’m fine with this fight, even if it turns out to be largely symbolic, because I’m sick to death of these whiney losers and their empty threats.

“My fear is that the damage is done,” he told a congressional subcommittee. “That they will return [the money], but that they will return it with their resignations.”

There is little doubt within Financial Products that he’s right about that.

“Nobody is going to give it back and then stay,” said one of the firm’s employees. “If they give back the money, then they will walk. And they will walk into the arms of AIG’s counterparties.”

Do it.  I double-dog dare you.  Walk out the door and into this economy.  These guys suffer under Alberto Gonzales disease.

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