John McCain: Courage, Conviction, Hero…Full of Crap

Filed in National by on March 19, 2009

Remember back in the election when people were pushing what a stand up honorable guy McCain was/is?  Well, he’s so stand up he won’t even defend his own daughter from being called a fat ass by the nutjob Laura Ingrahm:

You would think that John McCain would stick up for his own daughter against the right-wing kook fringe like Coulter and Ingraham after she was attacked not over her ideas, but her body composition, right? I mean any father would say to knock that off. It’s out of line. The Limbaugh National Committee already hates him. And he still couldn’t do the fatherly thing. What a guy. What a dad.
Digby explains.

Today, in his “Twitterview” with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) shied away from condemning Ingraham’s gratuitous attacks on his daughter. Stephanopoulos asked McCain, “What do you think of Meghan’s feud with Coulter and Ingraham?” McCain first said, “I’m proud of my daughter and she has a right to her opinions.” When asked if he agrees with his daughter, McCain did not say, simply stating, “like any family we agree on some things and disagree on others.”

What a pussy. Honor, conviction and courage…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m disgusted, but I guess we already know that he has a problem with women from his disgusting Hillary/Janet Reno/Chelsea joke.

    So, do he and his daughter disagree on whether Ingraham can kiss her “fat ass?”

  2. BL says:

    “…his disgusting Hillary/Janet Reno/Chelsea joke.”

    That joke was almost as bad as the “Sarah Palin is a C*nt” t-shirts!

    Based on your reasoning, I guess we know how donviti feels about black people based on his portrayal of how Michael Steele’s kids speak, right?

    doni, maybe next time McCain can get all dark and deep and write about it on his blog like an angst-filled teen! That would be the reasonable, adult way to deal with his problems.

    You have nerve talking about bravery! This from a guy who calls people out, calls people names and when they use his name he throws a fit. You are really courageous! You can act as brave as you’d like and insinuate that others are cowards, all the while using pseudonyms. There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about that!

  3. Von Cracker says:

    BL – you need to shut the fuck up with your reliance of false equivalency.

    Where’s these cunt t-shirts? Who doesn’t know DV’s real name by now? And is this first time McCampaign ignored slams against his children in order to toe the GOP line?

    I point you to this, and after reading, we’ll have a nice, long talk about bravery…

  4. Von Cracker says:


  5. did I just get called out by a guy using BL as his commenting name?

    Now that’s funny.