Today is going to be a busy one.
Governor Markell is presenting his FY2010 budget today (addressing the massive shortfalls) in a press conference at 1PM in Dover. Not sure whether this will be televised or broadcast on the radio, but will update as I hear it. And this would have been a good opportunity for a webcast by the State (like the Inauguration) but that doesn’t look as though that will happen.
HB1 comes up for a vote today. We talked about this on Monday. In addition, Redwaterlily has provided the full text of the bill with markups color coded to show the additions of the two pre-filed Amendments. This is incredibly useful and really good work! 2PM is when the Open Government advocates will be convening to support the effort to get this bill passed.
If you are going, certainly email one of us here and keep us posted as to progress.