Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009

Paul Krugman writes:

Life is easy if you’re a conservative. Even if conservatives fail completely while in power, they can turn around and say, “See — that proves our point. Government doesn’t work!”


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    It’s a win-win!

  2. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Those tax cuts for the rich have absolutly sent our economy soaring and created jobs and happy days for all, we were treated as liberators in Iraq, there energy plan has payed big dividens. deregulation has made safe food and safe investing a reality, and crony capitilism is in full flower, and in 4 years the informed american voter will say hit me again master, and elect another conservitive president.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    They were right all along. I feel so mistaken. I’m going to start hating gay people now. [/snark]

  4. Whereas no matter how catastrophic government intervention may prove, the liberal answer is to increase the spending on the failed program or create a new one.