Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo’s Music for the Masses

The Beast Who Slumbers likes this weekend trend of sharing favorite music and other cultural touchstones with the blognoscenti. It enables ‘bulo and others to take time to savor life’s pleasures and perhaps consign the political slings and barbs to the corner of the e-closet. 

Today, El Somnambulo offers up a couple of his current favorites.

First up, ‘Bulo’s favorite album of 2008 was Bon Iver’s “For Emma, Forever Ago”. ‘Bulo didn’t think new music could give him chills anymore, but this piece and video did just that:


This song and video were recorded in the woods of northern Wisconsin, making “The Wolves-Parts 1 &2” one of the most moving things that ‘bulo has heard in years.

And now, for something completely different. El Somnambulo is a big blues fan (and a fan of the beer he drinks along with it).  His Arden friends (betcha didn’t think ‘Bulo had much in common with that gaggle of granola-eaters…) tell him that one of ‘bulo’s favorite bands, the 4-time Blues Music Award winners for Band of the Year, Rod Piazza & the Mighty Flyers, is coming to the Arden Gild Hall, which is a converted barn and ideal for concerts. Friday, May 8. ‘Bulo’s got his tickets already. If you like this video (and if you don’t, please consider moving to Russia), you might want to join him:


That’s for tickets. Tell ’em the Beast Who Slumbers sent’cha.

And let the Beast Who Slumbers know if you want more of his faves. He’s traveled the entire North American continent rasslin’ from town to town. He knows where the good music’s buried, and he’s just the guy to exhume it!

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