Submarine and Surface ship collide in Persian Gulf area
It is no surprise that there are Submarines out there, no doubt they are hunting for some Iranian subs and if there are any other country’s subs out there.
But the interesting thing I took out of the article was this:
Christensen said there were about 200 sailors in the sub
The Hartford is a Los Angeles class submarine and 200 sailors aboard that ship is a beyond any number of people that one of those can hold, unless it is specifically rigged for something other than typical submarine runs. We were packed at 140 and I’m not kidding. We were hot racking and we were sleeping on makeshift racks made from plywood and a thin mattress. I slept on the supply shack floor with about 125/130 people on board. The racks were in the torpedo room, on top of the empty spots where the Tomahawks went. When we had over 120 or so, it meant that spooks were on board, translators, maybe some “civilian people” that you wouldn’t know where they were from. Also, with that many people you could have had 0ne SEAL team or 2 on board. 200 people is a lot! Where they were sleeping I don’t know. What they were doing I don’t know. Where they fit is beyond me.
200 people on a submarine in that area of the world with what is going on currently says to me that submarine was doing something serious out there. It also says that Captain is most likely going to removed.
Just my two cents….
If it was some kind of special ops stuff, why would they let the word out that the thing had 200 people on board?
… or they threw out an estimate. Misinformation and such.
… or the Navy PIO is just flat-out wrong.
Could have been anything, from a bad estimate — it happens — to Mr Viti’s speculation that the sub was there to do special ops, to the number being given out to make Iran think they were there to do special ops.
But Mr Viti is right about one thing: the captyain is almost certainly done.
Back in the day on an LA Class Boat we deployed with less than the 120 including Spooks and Civilians and others