Delaware Liberal

Breaking: Powerful Law Firm to Close, Delaware Heavy-Hitters Going to…

Philadelphia-based Wolf Block, a very powerful law firm with strong governmental ties, will dissolve, according to this report on

10 attorneys from its Delaware office, including former AG Charles Oberly and his former deputy, Kathleen Jennings, appear likely to move en masse to the firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reith.

This group of attorneys also includes former NCC Director of Planning Bill Rhodunda and fellow NCC expatriate Sean Tucker,  and used to include Gov. Jack Markell’s Chief of Staff Thomas McGonigle.

When asked why a group of 10 attorneys with varying practices would look to move together, the source said it shows how cohesive a group it is and said many lateral moves in this tough economy are being done in larger groups (or perhaps they saw the majority opinion writing on the wall…). The economy is also causing some groups to make moves to what they perceive as a better platform, the source said.

The departure comes a few months after Wolf Block lost its former Wilmington office managing partner, Thomas McGonigle, to a high-profile spot in the First State’s governor’s office. Since January, McGonigle has served as chief of staff to Delaware Gov. Jack Markell.

This group of attorneys always warrants a close eye as they have access to many powerful officials across the Delaware governmental spectrum. ‘Bulo will be watching.

THREAD UPDATE: A couple of Required Reading assignments on this topic from the Beast Who Slumbers. And, be warned, ‘bulo does not grade on a curve.

First, click on Blue Hen Whisperer’s name below and read the funniest (and most brutally-accurate) description of Bob Byrd you can find. He also discovers the ‘inner Nancy Cook as well’. Brutally-funny is always at the top of ‘bulo’s reading list.

Then, go to the John Tobin-suggested Public Integrity Commission (there cannot be a greater oxymoron than that!) site, and a great drinking game awaits you there.

Scroll down the list of lobbyists and their clients, and take a swig whenever you recognize the political connection of the lobbyist (former elected official, former appointed official, former/current Party official, and the like). If you are still sober by, say, the L’s, you are a babe in the Wood/Byrds.

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