Don’t buy Chinese….

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009

Condoms.  Based on their history, if I were anyone trying to NOT knockup a girlfriend I wouldn’t.

Sadly, its’ our own government buying them and putting 300 Americans out of work.

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hiding in the open

Comments (13)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Condoms are not perfect but they are very good when used properly. They’re also the best protection against STDs.

  2. anonone says:

    Condoms aren’t the greatest things in the world but they’re often next to it.

  3. jason330 says:

    Not one, but two post on top of my 8:30?

  4. At least, there’s always the sausage industry…

  5. bump me, you weren’t done yours buddy, I checked

  6. jason330 says:

    It’s cool. I was just messing with ya.

  7. Reis says:

    If the Chinese made single malt scotch would you drink it, or paint your house with it (lead based solvents make great paint!)?

  8. anon says:

    If the Chinese made scotch we could run our cars on it. No engine knocks either.

  9. Reis,

    they already do and it is pretty good actually. However you can taste the “technical” aspects of it and none of the love.

  10. Dana says:

    Read the linked article; the Chinese rubbers cost 2¢ apiece instead of a nickel, so we get more product for our money. But there’s also this:

    the sole U.S. supplier — an Alabama company called Alatech — had previous delivery problems under the program.

    It’s clear that Alatech’s problems over the years, which apparently have been resolved, may have driven U.S. officials to seek much less expensive foreign-made condoms in the first place.

    A rubber still in the warehouse doesn’t do much good. And “which apparently have been resolved” sounds like fluff to me; is there any proof?

  11. Reis says:

    I agree with Dana. The “delivery problems” are much more material than the condom itself.

  12. anonone says:

    may have driven U.S. officials to seek much less expensive foreign-made condoms


    Personally, I used to select from whatever was at the pharmacy.

  13. it’s always in the delivery with condoms