From the Office of Obvious Findings

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009

On kindergarten testing:

Replacing kindergarten playtime with formal lessons and standardized tests could have a wide range of negative consequences, according to the Alliance for Childhood, a nonprofit that advocates for children’s health. – via kos

Other findings:

Moderate alcohol use makes adults more sociable.

Attractive people are more popular than unattractive people.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. Attractive people are more popular than unattractive people.

    don’t I know it

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    Peanut Butter is produced in a facility where nuts or nut oils may have been processed.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Water is wet.

    On one’s deathbed, noone wishes they had spent more time at work.

    When people who believe government is the problem are elected to government, they don’t do a very good job governing.

  4. pandora says:

    Republicans will continue to say no.

  5. a. price says:

    barack obama is a socialist muslim

  6. Mark H says:

    “Peanut Butter is produced in a facility where nuts or nut oils may have been processed”

    You forgot to add the mouse droppings and samonella 🙂

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Sorry Mark H., it wasn’t legislated yet to label!!

  8. a. price says:

    Delaware LIberal will have live blogging during a presidential press conference ….. one would think

  9. I don’t know how to set it up a….

  10. anon says:

    You would think this was obvious, wouldn’t you? But there are a great many batshit idiots out there who think kids should buckle down and study, study, study from Day One, because that’s how their hard-ass Catholic nun teachers or their even harder-ass knuckle-cracking, butt-whipping parents did things. No playing until you do ten pages of addition worksheets, you little snotnoses! Sit straight! Eyes front!

    Personally, if I had my druthers, “recess” would be 75 percent of the school day through 9th grade, the majority of “classes” would be taught outdoors and students would be issued sledgehammers to bust up the pavement and plant trees.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    But meanwhile you (no one specifically) insist on early ed., and all day K. Go figure. Playing at home or daycare, no value. Playing in a schoolyard, educational nirvana. Got it.

  12. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Check out how the Japanese handle schooling…..

  13. Art Downs says:

    I thank those hard ass nuns who made us memorize the multiplication tables and diagram sentences. The latter seemed to be a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Yet I never got caught doing anything that got me punished and was the token heathen in the class until I formally joined the flock and had my Baptism and first Communion the same year as my Confirmation.

    Attending Catholic school did let me skip kindergarten and this helped to prevent interference with my reading.

    Those rigors were helpful in letting me bridge the gap of attending a waste of time called junior high school before attending one of the best public high schools in the nation.

    The nuns could be merciful and did not seem to notice when I missed 80% of a school year (and received another sacrament early in life).

    Much of what passes for eduction is a racket that is little more than overpriced trendiness and gimmickry that is foisted on the kids.

    We saw phonics dumped in favor of ‘whole language’. There were ‘open classrooms’ that were corrected at substantial expense. Ebonics was aborted but only after a bit of a struggle that had some satirical elements. Credentialism in methodology is stressed over subject matter expertise.

    “Self esteem” is treated as an entitlement.

    Throwing more money down gold-plated ratholes is the panacea.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    and received another sacrament early in life

    Last rites?

  15. anon says:

    Losing virginity?


  16. Jason Z says:

    John Edwards was very open about “education” starting shortly after birth and President Obama has pushed to expand Head Start and pre-school education. It’s the liberals (yes, many of them claiming to be Catholic) who wish for cradle to grave mind control.
    American students rate highest in world education statistics the shorter amount of time they’ve spent in the public school combine, by twelfth grade many of them can’t even speak properly. Our former Harvard Law Review editor President said “a impossible” and “a extraordinary” last night, and “a unprecedented” on 60 minutes. I can’t find a transcript that tells the truth, but listen and you’ll hear the same things I did; our President does not have an A+ grasp of the language.
    Honest Conservatives want to get rid of the Department of Education, although seem to have lost the stomach for the argument completely. Bush undermined core Conservative values when he partnered with Ted Kennedy to enact No Child Left Behind, a very liberal program.
    And Art, they haven’t abandoned Ebonics, it’s just now swaddled in relativist knowledge, like native Spanish speakers getting credit for AP Spanish courses.