Liveblog what’s left

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009

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hiding in the open

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Well, this didn’t make the press conference, but this just in from Child #2, and parents association–Obama will be the Commencement speaker–that’s ASU folks in Tempe. Isn’t life funny? And to think she talked with him alone nearly 2 years ago when he was out there, at some WAWA type mini-mart,getting a soda, and he asked her to come listen to him speak that night, and she did because it was free, and he was nice, and she was afraid nobody else would go, since he warned her it would be empty, and so forth and so on…..what a journal entry that has turned into!!!

  2. John Brady says:

    I taught Bar Review out at ASU in December-beautiful campus and the new light rail opened while I was there. We need to look at light rail in Delaware

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    And the whole city is wireless!