March on Wall Street

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009



The human costs of the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan mount every day, and each month upwards of $12 billion are drained from our national treasury. WE NEED THOSE BILLIONS AT HOME!!!

By bringing people into the streets of the financial center. we will send a strong, clear message: The long term solution to our nation’s economic crisis must include major cuts in military spending and putting our money to work in the rebuilding of our communities. Instead of pouring our money into bailing out wealthy bankers, we need government investments in spending that creates new jobs, provides health care and quality education for all, ends the foreclosure epidemic, and supports sustainable, clean energy.

On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out against war at his historic ‘Beyond Vietnam’ speech at Riverside Church in NYC. A year later to the date, April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis where he had traveled to lend support to the struggle of striking sanitation workers.

This year, on April 4, we honor the legacy of Dr. King with our urgent call for a new direction by marching on the financial capital of the country: Wall Street.

Pacem in Terris has reserved a 55-seat coach that will depart from the Park & Ride in Newark (896 & Rt. 4 – Chestnut Hill Rd.) at 8:00 a.m. and from Rodney Square, Wilmington, at 8:30 a.m. on April 4. Returning at 4 p.m. Cost: $30/passenger.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. a. price says:

    isn’t Pachem in Terris Liz’s reason it’s ok to be a Nazi?

  2. dang, can’t attend, have a birthday party to attend for a Financial Planner friend,

    boy the irony in that one

  3. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Hate to be picky, but why not a day when somebodys actually working on wall street. Declare a national labor stopage and go on a monday, sorry I forgot, we are not french. American idols on T.V.

  4. June says:

    Shoe guy,

    You’re not being picky — it’s a good question. The peace movement planners always have a choice to make: have it on a weekend when prospective participants aren’t working and can attend (hopefully some still have jobs), but no one is around to see it; or have it on a work day when worker bees can’t come but people are around.

    There actually is another group having a protest the day before when Wall Street is open.

    (Sorry – mistyped the phone number -there is an extra 2 on the end).

  5. $12 billion a month is chump change. In the last few months we put $170B into AIG and all we own is 80% of a company valued at roughly $30B. That loss alone could fund the war for a year.

  6. Dana says:

    There’s got to be some irony in marching on Wall Street on a day when the stock markets are closed.

  7. a. price says:

    Im sure it will do SO MUCH to convince them to… i dunno laugh a little harder when they wipe their asses with our money? seriously it is at best, a chance to spend money in New York. go see a show Broadway is suffering too.

  8. Art Downs says:

    Will the ‘Ruckus Society’ Participate?

    How about a tar and feather party for Franklin Delano Raines?

  9. anon says:

    $12 billion a month is chump change. In the last few months we put $170B into AIG and all we own is 80% of a company valued at roughly $30B. That loss alone could fund the war for a year.

    It already DID fund the war for a year – that’s the point. Bush was running the whole economy on sham credit, including AIG.

    Lisa, your observation has truthiness. If AIG was worth more, we wouldn’t be bailing it out.

  10. Dana says:

    anon wrote:

    It already DID fund the war for a year – that’s the point. Bush was running the whole economy on sham credit, including AIG.

    Really? Why is it, then, that in FY2011, 2012 and 2013, by which time President Obama has promised to have us done with combat operations in Iraq, his projected deficits are still far higher than the ones run under President Bush?

  11. anon says:

    Because every sham dollar Bush floated is now costing us more than one real dollar – first to repay the sham, then to repair the damage done to the real economy caused by running on sham credit.

  12. Perry says:

    Dana, please note that the financing of the Bush Iraq War was off the books with Bush, now on the books with Obama. In the last fiscal year, that cost was $140 billion not on the books. Therefore, your statement that Obama’s deficits by the end of his first term are “far higher” than Bush’s is not correct!

    Secondly, the OMB projected deficits are based on a GDP growth of 2.2% in Obama’s final year first term, and the subsequent out years, whereas Obama’s projection is 2.6%. Which is correct?

  13. delacrat says:


    If the war is still out of your pocket, it does not matter if the war is on the books or off the books.