Another Day, Another Wingnut Conspiracy

Filed in National by on March 25, 2009

Nemski highlighted the crazy question FoxNoise managed to ask President Obama last night, and now I’m reading that the New World Currency is the new right-wing stupidity:


And, of course, the Chinese are in this for something too — they are heavily invested in the dollar and heavily tied to it.    But count on the right wing to ignore the implications of the Chinese and Russians positioning on this thing to feed their total freakout mode. One world government is an oldie but goodie that is back now and apparently Michele Bachmann and Glenn Beck are the Freakout Cheerleaders-in-Chief on this one.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. jason330 says:

    New World Currency is going to be ushered in by the “Fairness Doctrine.”

  2. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    One world government is not a new idea, it`s champion was Albert Einstein in the 1930`s so it`s easy to project a call for it here, especially since we are going thru the same world wide economic turmoil we felt in the 30`s.
    Since the United States is the first country in history to destroy the propects and living standards of its own workforce the stability of the social safty net that the rest of the industrilized world enjoys may be just the ticket for our children and grandchildren.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Do they like sounding stupid? Do they not know the difference between “currency” and “reserve currency.”