Delaware Liberal

Quote of the Day II

Major Asshat . . . oops I mean . . . . Major Garrett of Faux News asked the following question to President Obama last night.  Pay close attention to the second paragraph.

Good evening, Mr. President. Thank you. Taking this economic debate a bit globally, senior Chinese officials have publicly expressed an interest in an international currency. This is described by Chinese specialists as a sign that they are less confident than they used to be in the value and the reliability of the U.S. dollar. European countries have resisted your calls to spend more on economic stimulus.

I wonder, sir, as a candidate who ran concerned about the image of the United States globally, how comfortable you are with the Chinese government, run by communists, less confident than they used to be in the U.S. dollar, and European governments, some of the center-left, some of them socialist, who say you’re asking them to spend too much?

– Major Garrett

Oh, I get it, what you’re saying is that President Obama is so far to the left that not even the Communist and Socialists like what he is doing. How droll.

I guess I got it right the first time, it is Major Asshat.

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