There is no God

Filed in National by on March 25, 2009

The man released after spending 27 years in jail for a murder he did not commit has spent his first weekend of freedom in hospital after being hit by a taxi.

Sean Hodgson needed stitches in his face after being struck by the cab as he was about to cross a busy road in London.

His solicitor said the accident was just one example of how difficult it was for Mr Hodgson to adjust to life on the outside after nearly three decades behind bars.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    How about this clusterf**k ‘roid rage:

    State Police continue investigating an incident in which a man who attacked a state trooper was shot overnight.

    State Police say 35 year old Fabian Silvestre of Wilmington turned out to be a suspect in a domestic assault a short time earlier.

    State Police spokesman Corporal Jeff Whitmarsh says the officer, not realizing that, stopped to check Silvestre out.

    Whitmarsh says the officer used pepper spray on Silvestre which didn’t stop him. Then the suspect got hold of the trooper’s radio and began hitting him with it, at which point, the trooper backed up and fired two shots, one of which hit Silvestre in the shoulder.

    He was injured and taken to the hospital as were the officer involved and another that showed up on the scene and used his taser on Silvestre after he was shot.

    None of the injuries is life threatening. The officer who shot Silvestre is on administrative duty pending the outcome of an investigation.

    Sylvestre was charged at his hospital bedside with felony assault and resisting arrest.

    Let me get this straight: The cops shot twice at a naked unarmed man (okay, he was armed with a radio)… hit him once, AND THEN TASERED HIM?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    This tasering stuff is really getting out of hand.

  3. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Everyone who is permitted to ‘taser’ should be tasered, at least once, themselves.